She sucked in a breath, nodding her head like she was arguing with herself. “It’s not an excuse, but I tend to avoid conflict. It’s just easier to do what other people want. I’m not sure I’ve ever been the woman you described.”
“Bullshit. And I’ll prove it. Come and listen, and do a test drive. If you don’t want to do it after that, and believe me, I’ll know, then we won’t. Simple as that.”
“It sounds simple when you say it.”
“Because it is. Come on. I’ll show you.”
Linking our fingers together, I took the last remaining steps into the racing track and approached the counter.
“Reservation for two.”
My fingers were interlocked with a man. A man that wasn’t Chris. I didn’t know which was more shocking; the action itself or the fact I liked it. Jackson might be younger than me, but he didn’t act it. He took charge and had an air of maturity about him that my own son hadn’t developed yet.
Perhaps most surprising was how Jackson saw me. It felt amazing to be viewed through his eyes. To be seen as a woman and not a mom or a widow.
He grinned over at me, his brown sugar eyes sparkling and sending tiny pinpricks of electricity through me. The feeling was so unexpected that I froze, blinking as I tried to work out what was happening.
“You okay, Ella? “
Nodding, I breathed in his cologne. Notes of citrus and rainwater with a heady undertone infiltrated my nostrils, and I closed my eyes as I attempted to rein in my moan.
How embarrassing!
Had it been so long since I’d been with a man that every little thing about Jackson turned me on? What I didn’t know was whether it was him or just an attractive man in general. Had I been suppressing my sexual appetite all these years?
Opening my eyes, I locked onto brown swirls of concern. Jackson had stepped closer, bringing his seductive fragrance with him.
“Hey, if you want to go, we can. I can be overzealous sometimes, but I meant what I said. I’m not going to force you.”
“No,” I blurted, my cheeks heating. “I said I’d give it a chance. That’s not it… that’s not what I’m nervous about.”
“What is it then, Ella?”
I sighed, deciding to go for the truth. Pretending to be something I wasn’t wouldn’t work for me. I didn’t have the patience or time to play games.
“I got pregnant at sixteen and married my high-school sweetheart. Chris and I were married for four years when he died. Since then, my whole life, my whole focus even, has been on being the best mom I could be. I didn’t have support—just me. My parents disowned me when I got pregnant, and Chris’s parents died a few years after him. But even before that, they were older and not in the best health. I took care of them more than they helped us. But I’m getting sidetracked.”
I shook my head; the hair tickling my face as I tried to reset my train of thought. I glanced up at Jackson, expecting to see fear or even pity. Instead, I was met with curiosity and admiration.
“What I’m trying to say is, I wasn’t lying when I said I haven’t dated in twenty years. I never had time for it between working and raising Mack. All of this”—I waved my hand between the two of us—“it’s a bit overwhelming. I mean, it’s exciting.” My eyes widened as I tried to convey what I felt. “But overwhelming, nonetheless. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do or if I’m even doing it right. I’m having all of these new feelings, and it’s scary. I feel a bit out of my element.”
Jackson smiled, my heart beating faster as he directed his warmth toward me. He stepped closer, pulling me into him, and his warm body pressed against me. His hands touched my arms, sending pinpricks all over like tiny porcupines as I tried not to fall over from it.
Breathe, girl. Unlock your legs, for crying out loud!
“I make you nervous?”
Jackson beamed, his smile becoming a smolder as his eyes dropped to my lips and then back up to meet mine. He smoothed his thumbs in soothing circles on my arms, and my body melted under his touch as I relaxed.
“Time for me to be honest, then. I find it hot as fuck that I get to be your tour guide. You’re like a newly unearthed treasure map, and I get to discover everything about you. You’re my own personal Holy Grail.”
“Yeah?” I asked, my breath hitching at his words. The thought of him exploring me had my pulse beating out of control. Jackson opened his mouth but was cut off before he could respond.