I run my hands through his hair and scratch lightly at his back, urging him on with every movement. He responds eagerly, kissing me deeply and thrusting harder.

We reach the height of passion together, both crying out in ecstasy as we reach our climax. We collapse onto the bed in a tangle of limbs and breathing heavily.

As we lay there catching our breaths, I know that today will be etched into my memory forever. And I couldn't be happier to have shared it with him once again.



It’s past midnight, and I’m thinking of Anya, it felt like I’d been plunged back into the moment we first met. All the emotions and desires from two years ago came flooding back.

And it doesn’t help that I now know she’s the mother of my daughter. Our daughter. I’m still dazed, and all of this still feels like a dream. I don’t think I want to wake up if it is.

I’m tired of tossing and turning in bed without being able to sleep. I stand up, slide my legs into my slippers, and pad to Alessa’s room. She prefers to sleep with her light off, so the only source of light is the moonlight streaming in through the open curtains.

Walking to her bed, I cover her with her pink Frozen blanket, which has a picture of Elsa on it. I smile at the thought of Alessa introducing her little sister to Disney movies and making her fall in love with Frozen too. It’ll definitely be a proud dad moment for me.

I’m already imagining Kira’s first sleepover, wearing matching pajamas with Alessa and holding each other to sleep. I’ll take a picture of my two little girls sleeping and look at it whenever the world is closing in on me.

Alessa stirs, but she doesn’t wake up. I kiss her cheeks and go downstairs for water.

I’m grabbing a glass from the cabinet when I hear footsteps behind me.

“You ok sweetheart?” my mother asks before I can turn around.

I twist my neck to meet her gaze. “I’m thirsty, you?”

She heaves a sigh and walks to the fridge. “I forgot to marinate the chicken for breakfast tomorrow.”

“Do you have to do that now?” I realize how rude that sounds and add, “Is it something I can help with?”

She huffs. “I don’t trust you to add the ingredients in the right amount. I’ll do it myself. Meanwhile, you can tell me how it went with Anya.”

The past few days have been a whirlwind, and I haven't had time to fully process everything that has happened. Anya has shown so much love and support for me and my daughter - she truly is a wonderful mother and an amazing person.

“Kira is mine. Anya got pregnant and had her after our night together.”

“Oh my God!” My mother’s eyes sparkle with excitement. I feel like she’s struggling not to scream. “I saw that child for the first time and knew she had to be my grandchild somehow.”

“Turns out you were right.” I take a long swig of my water.

My mom takes out a Ziploc bag with chicken thighs from the freezer. “What are you going to do now?”

My head hangs low for a moment as I ponder a thousand things I want to do. Without a doubt, I want to be a good dad to Kira, and Anya…I want to be a part of Anya’s life too. Not as co-parents or two people who live in the same small town. I want to make her mine.

“Seeing the look on your face, I’m guessing there’s something more going on between you and Anya. Are you in love with her?”

My mother's words hang in the air, but I can't find a response. Love seems like such a weighty term, and I'm not sure if that's how I feel. When I'm with Anya, everything else fades away and it feels like we're the only two people in the world. Her smile has a way of melting my heart, and when we kissed and made love, the connection between us was undeniable.

The attraction I feel to that woman is more than I can describe with just words. So even if I call it love, it still won’t be enough.

“I don’t think I can let her go,” I say, curling my fingers around the glass. “I like her. I’ve liked her since the first night I set eyes on her.”

My mother gives me a look that says she thinks I’m completely hopeless. “She’s your brother’s ex-girlfriend.”

“And she’s the mother of my child. I tried to hold back because of Spencer, but I don’t think I can do that anymore.” I won’t give up another chance at being with Anya. Daydreaming about her for two years was hard enough.

I expect my mother to disagree with me, but she just pours some spices over the chicken. “Then you better let your brother know about it. The sooner the better.”