I’d never cuddled anyone in my life—with the exception of my mother, but I’d been a child then—nor had I wanted to. Even with the few boyfriends I’d had in the past, I’d never been much for cuddling. Not even after sex. But for some reason, I wanted to do that with Trevor. I wanted to feel his warmth, to fill my lungs with his scent.

Those thoughts, the things he made me want…scared the shit out of me. He was my personal assistant for God’s sake, not to mention the fact that he was confused about his sexuality. Still, he was the best man I’d ever known. Honest and caring, gentle and kind. And after learning about his childhood—the neglect and verbal abuse he’d suffered, the poverty he’d been raised in—it made me respect him even more. The fact that he’d pulled himself up out of that situation on his own was nothing short of miraculous and I admired him.

Then there was the way he was with my mother. I’d been hesitant to take him to her house, to have the two of them meet. I’d never taken anyone to my mom’s house before. I loved my mother and was fiercely protective of her.

There were a lot of despicable people out there who might try and use her to get to me and I refused to let that happen, so I’d always been careful not to let anyone know where she lived. She’d been to my office many times of course, and knew all the people I worked with, and I’d introduced her to a couple of my boyfriends, but I’d done so in public settings, like a restaurant.

But I trusted Trevor. He was a genuinely nice guy, and I knew he had no ulterior motives for wanting to go with me that night other than helping my mom with her computer, and so I’d agreed.

I’d known she would like him, that the two of them would get along, but I never expected them to hit it off the way they did. Joking and laughing and whispering with one another. They’d acted like old friends instead of new acquaintances.

Watching the two of them together, seeing the radiance on my mom’s face whenever she’d laugh at something he said, had settled something in me I didn’t know needed settling. But it had also been a warning to me to be cautious. I was entering unchartered territory here, becoming friends with an employee.

He tossed himself down on the cushiony couch and put his hands behind his head. “This is better than anything I could have imagined when I dreamed of traveling one day,” he said with a grin.

I sifted through my briefcase, pulling out the paperwork I needed. “I’m glad you like it, but unfortunately, we can’t stay. We have business to attend to.”

Trevor sat up, using his fingers to smooth his hair back in place. He pulled his tablet out of his satchel, switching his brain to business mode. His fingers flew over the screen. “I hope we have time to see some of the sights while we’re here, but first, we have a tour of the factory at one and then dinner at six with Mr. DuBois and his son to discuss your plans for their company should they choose to sell to you.”

“They will. They have no choice. It’s a sinking ship and they know it. They need someone to take it off their hands and make it profitable again and there’s no one better suited to do that than me.”

“And to think that someone once called you cocky in an interview,” he teased.

I raised my eyebrows. “Call it what you want. I didn’t get this far in business without being sure of myself. I simply know what I want, and I’ll do whatever it takes to get it.”

Trevor swallowed hard, the tip of his tongue making an appearance as he licked his lips. His eyes dropped below my face, and I swore I could feel the actual heat of his gaze as it blazed a path down my body. Desire pooled in my belly and my cock twitched inside my pants as I continued staring at him.

What was it that had turned him on? Was it something I’d said? The tone of my voice? Whatever it was, he didn’t seem to be freaked out by his response. Instead, he seemed curious…and eager. But eager for what? What did he want? What did I want?

My runaway thoughts were interrupted by the beeping of my phone. I pulled it out of my pocket to check it effectively putting an end to whatever had been sparking between us. “Our ride is here to pick us up,” I explained.

“I guess we’d better get going then,” he responded with a hint of reluctance.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror as I finished combing my hair. Satisfied that everything was in its proper place, I walked out of the bathroom and into the living area. Trevor came out a few moments later, looking extremely handsome in a solid black suit. I saw him in suits every day at work, but this one looked like it had been tailored to fit his body perfectly. My heart fluttered like a million butterfly wings at the sight of him.

He smiled shyly as he approached. “Would you mind helping me with my cufflinks? I tried, but I couldn’t get them on one-handed.”

“Of course.”

His finger brushed over my palm as he placed the little silver pieces in my hand. We were standing close now, barely a breath between us as I leaned in to attach the links to the cuffs of his sleeves.

From this vantage point, I could see a dusting of tiny freckles across the bridge of his nose and the sweep of his long lashes against his cheeks whenever he blinked. He smelled divine, like fresh soap and citrus—which I assumed was in his shampoo—and a hint of spice, probably from his deodorant or perhaps a touch of cologne.

There was also another, underlying scent—his own unique scent—which I’d smelled before at work. It was masculine with a hint of sweetness, and it made me want to bury my face in his neck every time I smelled it, just so I could fill my lungs with the tantalizing aroma.

I could feel the weight of his stare as he peered up at me and focused on my breathing, trying to regulate my heartbeat which was threatening to pound right out of my chest.

“All done,” I murmured. My eyes found his and I heard my own swift intake of breath. His eyes were so, so blue, like the clear waters along a white sand beach. And just like the ocean, I felt like I could dive into them, swim in them, drown in their depths.

Trevor started to lean in. Puffs of air ghosted across my lips with his shaky breaths and that was what broke me out of my trance. He wasn’t sure. He didn’t know yet what he wanted or even what he liked.

I took a step back, putting some much-needed distance between us as fear swept through me. I was scared. Scared of confusing him more, scared of messing things up between us. I liked Trevor. I liked having him in my life. He was the closest thing I’d ever had to a real friend, and I didn’t want to screw that up. Oh, and there was also the little part about him being my employee. Since when did that stop being my main concern?

He looked disappointed as I moved back, eyeing me warily as if bracing himself for my anger. I smiled so he’d know I wasn’t upset. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to kiss him until we both were dizzy but that wasn’t all. Quite frankly, I wanted to do a whole hell of a lot more to him, but I couldn’t.

I cared about Trevor, and I refused to do anything he wasn’t ready for or might not like. I wouldn’t be able to stand it if I gave in and kissed him only to see regret in his eyes after. Or worse, disgust. What if I kissed him and he decided he wasn’t into men after all?

“We need to get going if we don’t want to keep Mr. DuBois and his son waiting,” I said gently, in way of an explanation.