“Thanks. I like to think I know what I’m doing,” I said dryly.
The sound of his deep chuckle made my stomach dip pleasantly. “Of course you do. It is your company after all. I just meant I was impressed with how well you handled everything. I would have been a nervous mess.”
I shrugged offhandedly as I began sifting through the mail on my desk. “The members of the board are all bluster. They like to come in and act superior, but they’ve made a ton of money off my ideas, and they know it. Even if they disagreed with something, they’d give me their support because they trust my judgement.”
“Well, I thought you were amazing!”
My eyes flitted to his. “I didn’t do it alone. You put a lot of time and effort into the presentation, and I appreciate that. You did a great job today.”
Trevor ducked his head shyly, but not before I saw the smile that spread across his face. “Thanks.”
“Of course, this will mean even more work for us. Now that we have the board’s approval, we’ll need to set up a time to visit the company and go over the plans.”
“Wait! You mean I’m going with you? But the company is in Paris.”
My eyes narrowed as I leaned back in my chair, steepling my fingers together under my chin. “Is that a problem? I believe I did mention travel was a requirement of the job.”
“No, it’s not a problem. I was…I’m just surprised, that’s all. I’ve never been to Paris. I’ve never been anywhere, really.”
“Well, I suggest you spend this afternoon getting your passport in order then,” I replied gruffly. I wasn’t sure why, but the thought of being the one to get to show him Paris made me extremely happy, which should have been a warning sign to me.
Trevor grinned despite my surly attitude. “Yes, Mr. Marshall. Would you like me to order lunch for you first?”
“Yes, please. Nothing too heavy though. I have dinner plans tonight.”
Trevor’s forehead wrinkled in confusion. “I don’t remember seeing a meeting on the schedule tonight.”
“That’s because it’s not a business meeting. This dinner is more of a personal nature.”
“That’s nice. Is it with someone special?”
“Yes, she is,” I answered absentmindedly as I began leafing through the mail on my desk.
My head snapped up at the shock in his voice. “Is there a problem?”
“No, I just…I mean, I thought…” Trevor’s face flushed crimson as he realized his mistake.
I arched an eyebrow at him. “You thought what?”
“That you were…single. Yes, I assumed you were single. Not that there’s a reason you would be single. I mean, you’re a great guy. Anyone would be lucky to?—”
“Mr. Reed.”
“Go order lunch.”
“Yes, Mr. Marshall.”
Somehow, I managed to wait until he’d shut the door behind him before I laughed. Jesus, it should be criminal to be that adorable. Especially, when there was fuck-all I could do about my worrisome attraction towards him.
The rest of the afternoon went by in a rush of phone calls and meetings until the door opening drew my attention. Trevor cautiously stepped in. “Excuse me, Mr. Marshall, but I took the liberty of picking up a couple of things for your date.”
“My what?”
“Your date. You said you had a dinner date with a special lady.”