“Damn straight they are! Okay, let’s get moving!” he shouted to the others, making me laugh.

I waved them off then hurried back into the hotel. The concierge looked me over as I explained that I’d just left from catering the party upstairs and needed to retrieve our phones. His suspicion turned into relief, however, as soon as I mentioned Ms. Rathchild.

“Ah, yes. She and her husband are both honored guests here. Come this way, you’ll need my key to access the elevator.”

I followed him to a private elevator—not the staff elevator we’d used before—where he swiped a key card then pressed a button for the top floor.

I rode in silence until the elevator came to a stop. The doors slid open and for a moment, I thought I was on the wrong floor.

It was much darker, the lights turned down low. Music played from somewhere down the hall, a sexy, deep bass that reverberated inside my chest. I followed the sound, wondering where everyone had gone, but as I neared the conference room, I could hear a woman speaking.

“It’s time. You all know what to do,” Ms. Rathchild purred.

I stood in the shadows just outside the doorway, watching as she handed the man next to her a glass bowl. He pulled something out of it and held it in the air. It was a set of keys.

A woman in the back stood up, slinking over to him. She wrapped her hand around the keys as she bent down and kissed him. Without a word, the man rose and the two of them walked out of the room.

I watched, confused as this continued. One person drawing keys out of the bowl and another claiming them. Then the new couple would wander off together.

Curious, I followed a couple down the hallway where they entered one of the suites. They didn’t bother to shut the door and I watched as they began kissing, the man sliding his hands under the woman’s skirt. She gasped as his fingers dipped inside her panties, his arm muscles flexing as he rubbed a finger over her clit.

My cock perked up at the sensual sight, but I quickly ducked around the corner when I heard someone approaching. Two voices told me it was another man and woman.

They entered the same suite as the first couple and as I peered around the doorway, I witnessed them engaging in a slow, blistering kiss. The first woman placed her hand on the back of the second woman’s neck, and the second woman broke her kiss with the man, tilting her head as she fed her tongue to the other woman.

Holy hell! This is some sort of sex party! I thought those kinds of things only existed in books, but here I was, seeing it unfold in front of me.

Worried they’d see me, I moved on down the hallway, peeking in rooms as I searched for Ms. Rathchild. I had no idea how I was going to pretend I hadn’t seen anything once I finally found her, but I knew I’d have to. There was no way I was going to blow this opportunity for Doug.

I was able to move throughout the floor without raising any suspicion, which had more to do with the fact that everyone was more focused on their own activities than me being sly.

With no sign of Ms. Rathchild on that floor, I headed up to the rooftop. Strands of twinkling lights cast a soft glow over the terrace, and I could see several people up there, lounging in and around the pool.

My body heated as I spied two men holding a woman in the pool. One held her shoulders while the other held her feet. In between her legs, another woman lapped greedily at her clitoris, the fingers of one hand moving steadily in and out of her pussy.

Sweat beaded across my forehead as my eyes roamed the entire area, taking in more couples engaged in varying degrees of sex. Men and women, women and women, men and men, even a few threesomes or more, driven by lust and from what I could see, enjoying themselves immensely.

I tried telling myself I was only looking for Ms. Rathchild so I could get our phones and get out of there, but I accepted the lie for what it was. The truth was, this was the most erotically exhilarating thing I’d ever witnessed, and I couldn’t seem to make myself turn away. I didn’t want to.

A loud groan pulled my attention to a couch near the bar where a man stood with his back to me. He was completely naked, slender with smooth, pale skin. I noted a pair of muscular legs on either side of him, letting me know there was a man sitting on the couch in front of him, although, I couldn’t see him from my vantage point.

The man on the couch appeared clothed still, or at least from the waist down because he was wearing black pants. Even his shoes were still on, which seemed strange to me since his partner was nude, and yet a shiver ran up my spine at the obvious power play behind it. What would it be like to be so exposed, so vulnerable? To have others watching while you were at the mercy of someone else?

“Down on your knees.” The command sent a wave of desire straight to my groin and I let out a soft whimper. What the fuck?

I stared, transfixed as the slender man sank to his knees immediately. His head was bent as he waited for the next instruction. He didn’t have to wait long.

“Take out my cock and lick the tip.” The voice was smooth like satin with a deep rumble that caused an ache deep in my belly. What the actual fuck?

My dick wept, soaking my underwear as the slender man obliged. I wanted to keep watching them, to take myself in hand and jack off as I watched the scene unfold. But why this one? Sure, the other things I’d seen had gotten me excited, but nothing compared to this.

The fact that it was two men who had captured and held my attention was shocking enough, but also that I almost felt…jealous of the man on his knees was enough to make me question my sanity.

My eyes traveled up his pale white back as he bent his head between the other man’s outstretched legs, and I shivered as I imagined his tongue licking over the slit on the tip of the other man’s cock. Would there be precum? What would it taste like?

My hands fisted at my sides. What the hell was the matter with me? I felt like I was having an out of body experience, like I didn’t even know myself anymore. Never in my life had I been sexually attracted to another man, but here I was now, watching a guy give head and wondering what it would taste like.

A hand landed on the slender man’s head, long fingers wrapping in the silky strands of hair as he urged the guy to take him into his mouth. The slender man went willingly, making happy noises as he swallowed the other man’s cock.