I stared at Trevor as he typed away on his keyboard. A tuft of dirty-blond hair fell over his forehead, and he brushed it back absentmindedly as he concentrated on whatever he was working on. Even after a year of us being together, I still got tingles whenever I looked at him.
He really was beautiful, inside and out, which was part of why I’d chosen to have his desk placed in my office to begin with. From the very start I’d been drawn to him, not only because of how gorgeous he was, but also how kind and intelligent.
I’d felt a pull, a need to have him close and keep him there, and so I’d had my staff set up his workspace in my office instead of next door like my previous PAs. I’d made up some excuse about not wanting to have to call for him when I needed something, but really, I wanted to be able to look at him whenever I felt like it.
At first, the idea seemed to have backfired as I realized what a distraction he was going to be. As I got to know him better, and started to develop feelings for him, it became increasingly difficult to ignore him and concentrate on my work, but I was determined not to cross any lines with him.
Everything had changed, however, on our trip to Paris and they’d continued to change once we returned home, but try as I might, I couldn’t find it in me to regret any of it. Simply put, Trevor Reed was the best thing that ever happened to me.
He glanced up when my cell phone started to ring, cocking his head in question when he saw me staring at him. I smiled at him and swiped the screen. “Hi, Mom!”
Trevor shot up from his chair, gesturing for me to put it on speakerphone as he rounded my desk and sat down on the edge. I put the call on speaker then laid a hand on his knee, unable to have him this close and not touch him.
“Hi, honey! How was your trip?”
Memories flooded my brain as I looked up at my favorite pair of blue eyes. Belize was gorgeous and amazing, but nowhere near as incredible as the man who’d gone with me. “It was fantastic. Trevor’s here too, by the way.”
“Hi, Elaine,” he exclaimed.
“Elaine? I thought for sure I told you to call me mom,” she replied.
“Sorry. Hi, Mom!” He blushed but I could see the happiness in his eyes. His own mother had been a horrible alcoholic who neglected him terribly. My mother was the complete opposite, warm and caring, loving and nurturing. When she’d heard how he’d been raised—always having to fend for himself and dodging his father’s rage—she’d immediately taken him under her wing, determined to shower him in motherly love.
“That’s better. Now, tell me all about it.”
I smiled as I listened to him regale her with stories of the private island we’d called home over the last three weeks. His face was animated as he described the over-water bungalow we’d stayed in, the ruins we’d visited, and the colorful sea creatures we’d seen when we’d gone snorkeling.
Seeing him so happy did something crazy to my heart and hearing how close he and my mom—the two people I loved most in the world—had become, settled something inside me. Like all the pieces of my life had finally come together, falling right into place.
Over the last year, they’d both taught me the importance of finding balance between work and my personal life. It had been difficult at first. I was used to working long hours at the office then a couple more hours once I got home. It was a hard habit to break. But then Trevor would remind me of all the things we could be doing instead—mostly naked things—and I’d find myself packing up my things, eager to get home and enjoy our evenings.
I was happier than I’d ever imagined I could be, and it was all thanks to the man currently perched on my desk. “Mom, we’re going to have to go. We have a big meeting starting soon,” I lied.
Trevor shot me a questioning look as my mom said, “Okay, honey. Well, I’ll see you two boys tomorrow night. You’re still coming to dinner, right?”
“Of course. See you then.” I ended the call quickly then tossed my phone aside.
“What are you talking about? There aren’t any meetings on the schedule for today,” Trevor said.
My mouth curved up in a devilish grin. “I know that.” I scooted my chair over in front of him and slipped my hands under the cuffs of his pants, running my fingers over the soft hair on his calves.
His eyes widened in surprise then immediately began to darken with desire. He was always so responsive, and I loved it. I loved everything about him. In fact, I couldn’t imagine a more perfect person for me in the entire world.
One perfect eyebrow arched upwards. “What are you doing, Mr. Marshall?”
“Trying to get you in the mood. Is it working?” My hands moved to the outside of his pants, running a path up his legs.
“It always works, but what I meant was…why are you doing this here? You always say we can’t do things like this at work.”
I reached for his left hand and pulled it towards my mouth, kissing the gold band around his finger, then I looked up at him through my eyelashes. “That was before anyone knew about us. Now, you’re my husband, so there’s no reason to hide. Besides, you’ve been making me break my rules from the first moment we met. Why should this be any different?”
His voice sounded breathy as he asked, “And what is it you want to do, exactly?”
I stood up between his spread thighs and took hold of his tie with my other hand, curling my hand so it wrapped around it and pulled him close. “You,” I whispered against his lips. “On top this desk, on the table, over the back of the couch, next to the windows where the whole world could see if they looked up.”
Trevor’s pupils blew wide with the last suggestion, just as I knew they would. My man had a voyeurism kink. Watching, being watched, he fantasized about it all, and while no one but me was actually allowed to see his beautiful body, I was more than happy to play into his fantasies.