“It happened so slowly, that at first I didn’t notice. My dad started taking me out every night after dinner to practice. At the time, I was just excited to spend more time with my dad. Now, I can see that was when things really began to change; when he started calling it ‘practice’ instead of ‘tossing balls.’” I huffed out a humorless laugh.
“Then in eighth grade, my coach took a special interest in my pitching. Dad came to pick me up after practice one afternoon and I remember the coach talking to him, using phrases like natural talent, fast-speed pitching skills, and going far in the sport. The next thing I knew, Dad had installed a pitching net in the back yard so I could practice hitting the strike zone. He also purchased radar equipment to track my pitching speeds and hired a personal coach to work with me three times a week. It was like overnight, baseball had gone from being a game to feeling like a job. It wasn’t fun anymore.
“I don’t want to give you the wrong idea. My dad’s a great guy. He’s a good husband and father, and he’d do absolutely anything in the world for me, my mom, and my brother. There are plenty of kids who had it worse than having a father who showed too much interest in them, but it’s like now, he doesn’t see anything but baseball when he looks at me. I think from the minute my coach told him I had talent, he’s been dreaming about me going pro, but that’s his dream, not mine. I have other things I want to do with my life. Things that have nothing at all to do with baseball.”
Tension coursed through me as I finally stopped talking, my confession hanging in the air between us. Part of me wanted to take it back, to tell the professor I’d been joking, and I didn’t mean it. But another part of me, the biggest part, was simply relieved to have the truth out there, to no longer have to carry the burden of that particular secret all by myself.
A tiny voice told me if there was anyone in the world who might understand, it would be him. I wasn’t sure how I knew, maybe it was all the time we’d spent getting to know each other as we worked. Somehow, I knew I could trust him. He was more than just a professor; he was my friend and someone I felt safe with. And that was something I hadn’t felt with anyone else in a very long time.
That reminder helped settle my nerves and kept me from being too surprised when his only response was to say, “What other things do you want to do with your life? Tell me.”
I smiled at him, suddenly so thankful to have him in my life. “Like I said, I want to travel. I want to see all the great architecture from around the world. But I also want to do more volunteer work, like this. I want to spend my time doing things that make a difference in the lives of others. And I want a family someday. I’d love to fall in love, hopefully with someone who is also my best friend, and have a house together, and kids.”
Feeling a little embarrassed at that last part, I shrugged my shoulders, but Professor Holt’s grin was anything but mocking. “That sounds amazing, and I hope you get it. All of it. You’re a great guy, Elliott. You are a lot more mature than some other people your age. You’re smart and you know exactly what you want. This is your life, and you deserve to live it the way you want. Promise me you won’t let anyone stop you from going after your dreams. Ever.”
We stared at each other for several long seconds. I’d never felt this kind of connection with anyone else. I’d told him one of my biggest secrets, but not once had I felt like he was judging me. Instead, I’d felt understood, cared for, as if my happiness truly mattered to him. It made me want to open up to him about everything else, but in the end, I decided to wait. I’d shared enough for one day. “I promise,” I whispered.
My breath caught in my throat as a radiant smile spread across his handsome face. “Good.”
I continued staring at him as he took a bite of food. “Thank you, Professor Holt. For listening.”
His gray eyes were full of understanding as he looked back at me. “Gavin.”
“Excuse me?”
He shrugged a shoulder. “My name is Gavin. I figure when we’re working here and it’s only the two of us, it won’t hurt for you to call me by my real name. I trust you to keep things professional when we’re at school and in class.”
My chest warmed at the gesture. “Of course. Thank you…Gavin.” I smiled, liking the way his name rolled off my tongue.
He smiled back at me then the two of us turned our focus on our lunch. After a few minutes, he set his plate beside him on the ground. “I can’t eat another bite,” he groaned.
My eyes followed the movement of his hands as he patted his still very flat stomach. When my cock started to stir, I knew it was time to get moving before I embarrassed myself. He looked startled as I suddenly jumped up. “We have a little more time before we have to get back to work and I’m thirsty. I’m going to grab another water. Do you want anything?”
“No, I’m all right, but thanks. I think I’ll sit here and enjoy this beautiful weather for a bit before we have to get back to it.”
I walked over and grabbed a bottle of water out of one of the coolers, then spent a few minutes talking with a few people I recognized from class. As I was walking back, my phone pinged in my pocket. I pulled it out, grinning wildly when I saw it was a text from “Tyrion.”
Tyrion: Are we still on for tonight?
Me: Yeah. Tell me when and where.
My heart thudded in my chest as I watched the three little dots dancing on the screen as he typed. I still couldn’t believe I was actually going to meet him at a hotel later. It seemed so sordid and dirty, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say it also felt right. Things were still secretive between us. We still didn’t know much about each other. Our names, faces, and personal lives had remained a mystery to the other, but somehow—call it instinct, intuition, or whatever—I knew without a doubt I could trust him.
Besides, he’d already had opportunities to take things further. He could have pushed me into sleeping with him at the last party, and yet, he hadn’t. He’d been patient and kind, never once making me feel foolish for being a virgin at my age. All of that, combined with him being funny and drop-dead gorgeous, had made my decision easy. I was ready to have sex for the first time, and I wanted it to be with him.
He texted me the name and room number of a hotel and we agreed to meet at seven o’clock. I was still grinning as I made my way over to Gavin. He looked completely relaxed, sitting in the shade with his back against a tree as he smiled down at something on his phone. He put it away when he saw me approaching.
“Someone seems extra happy all of a sudden. Something you’d care to share with the class?” he joked, nodding his head towards my phone.
Heat crept up my neck as I shoved my phone in my pocket. “Uh, just making plans for this evening.”
Gavin laughed. “Okay, I’ll quit teasing you. You ready to get back to work?”
I nodded. “Yeah, I suppose those walls aren’t going to hang themselves.”
We spent the rest of the afternoon talking and laughing as we worked. I was thankful he hadn’t pushed me for more information about why I’d been smiling at my phone. Even with us becoming friends, there were certain things I preferred to keep private. Especially, my sex life. Holy shit, I’m actually going to have a sex life after all these years.
By the time we quit working for the day, I was so full of nervous excitement, I felt like I was about to jump out of my own skin. I said a quick goodbye to Gavin then headed home to get ready. I’d done my homework, researching what I needed to do to prepare, and purchasing the necessary supplies. After tonight, I would finally understand what all the hype was about. I would no longer be a virgin.