Chapter Sixteen
Candlelight danced across River’s face, illuminating the sharp curve of his jaw and flawless texture of his skin. It was Friday which meant the girls were spending the night with River’s parents. From the first time they’d met her, Helen and Jed had treated Ellie like she was another grandchild, doting on her and spoiling her the same way they did Hannah. Ellie loved spending time with her new Nana and Papaw, and I loved seeing her so happy. She especially liked setting up at the market on Saturday mornings with Hannah and Helen, always coming home with stories about the people she’d met, and the interesting items for sale there.
Jed had picked the girls up from school that afternoon so River and I could set everything up for the Father/Daughter Dance the following night. The committee of parents who’d volunteered to help us had been amazing and in no time at all, we’d transformed the school gymnasium into something straight out of a fairy tale. I couldn’t wait to see Ellie’s face when she walked in.
River usually worked Saturday mornings but had decided to take the day off to give us more time with our girls before the dance. That left more time for just the two of us that evening since he wouldn’t have to get up so early. I’d told him I wanted to plan our date, but being relatively new to the area, I had no idea where I should take him.
All I knew for sure was that I wanted it to be special and it had to be far enough away that we wouldn’t run into anyone we knew. Not because I was worried about someone finding out that I was with a man, but simply because I wanted River all to myself. With two little girls around most of the time, we had to sneak private time in whenever we could. A situation that was made even more difficult because we were trying to hide it from them. But with any luck, that would all be changing soon.
River smiled as he peered through the glass. The restaurant was elegant and sophisticated with sparkling chandeliers, a pianist playing soft music in the corner, and floor to ceiling windows which provided an excellent view of the Seekonk River. It had been worth the forty-minute drive to Providence to see the surprise on my man’s face when we arrived. “This place is spectacular. How did you find out about it?”
“I tried to look online for someplace nice, but there were way too many options to choose from and I wasn’t sure which one would be the best. I finally asked Layla and she told me about this restaurant. She and her husband come here whenever they’re celebrating a special occasion.”
He turned his attention from the view to me. “Special occasion?”
I reached for his hand across the table and raised it, pressing a soft kiss along his knuckles. “Any moment I get to spend with you is special.”
“Such a charmer. You keep talking like that and you might get lucky later,” he teased.
I waggled my eyebrows at him. “In that case, I should probably also mention that you are without a doubt the most stunning man in the room.”
River laughed but shook his head. “No, that’s definitely you. From the second I first saw you at the school, I knew you were the handsomest man I’d ever laid eyes on.”
I still had ahold of his hand when the waiter walked up with our food. I wasn’t sure if he truly wasn’t bothered by the sight of two men holding hands or if he was simply being professional, but he didn’t even bat an eye as he set our plates in front of us and offered to pour some more wine.
If the view from the restaurant was spectacular, then the food was sensational. Perfectly cooked steaks, lobster tails dripping with melted butter, and delicious sautéed vegetables. We gazed at each other throughout the entire meal, speaking in hushed voices, and playing a hidden game of footsie beneath the cream-colored tablecloth. By the time the waiter asked about dessert, we were both ready to get home so we could be alone.
River lifted the armrest of the truck as we climbed in and scooted across the bench seat, so he was sitting right next to me. I grinned, driving one handed while my other arm draped over his shoulders. He relaxed his head on my arm, lacing the fingers of his right hand with my free one while the other threatened to drive me insane by tracing tantalizing patterns on my leg.
“Dinner was wonderful. Thank you. I always enjoy anything we do together, but it was nice being able to act like a couple out in public for a change.”
I winced. “I’m sorry. I know it can’t be easy for you having to hide.”
He lifted his hand from my leg and cupped my cheek. “I didn’t mean that. I get why you need to keep things quiet.” I glanced away from the road long enough to see him staring at me. His eyes were honest and sincere, matching his words. “Trust me, I would never want to do anything that might hurt Ellie. All I meant was that it was nice being able to hold your hand at dinner and say whatever I wanted without being worried that someone we know might overhear.”
I kissed the side of his head. “I liked it too. In fact, that was something I wanted to talk to you about tonight. I’ve decided I’m ready, if you are. I think we should tell the girls about us.”
River eyed me carefully. “Are you sure? Don’t do it if you think it’s something I need becau—”
“I’m not. I want to tell them because it feels right. Things between us have been great and only keep getting better. I’m happier than I’ve ever been, and I want to share that happiness with our girls. That is, if you agree.”
He didn’t hesitate to answer, sounding excited. “I agree. One hundred percent. I’m ready to tell them. How do you want to handle it?”
I blew out a breath. I’d gone over different options in my head as to how and where I’d tell Ellie. Alone at our house, taking a walk through the park, at Disney World where no child was ever allowed to be unhappy. “I haven’t come up with a solid plan yet.”
“We could tell them together, if you want,” River suggested.
“Yeah. It might help if we’re both there to explain it to them. Plus, Ellie might take the news better if she has Hannah there.”
I slanted my eyes in his direction. “Have I ever told you how brilliant you are?”
“Well, I did graduate medical school at the top of my class.” He pretended to sniff haughtily which made me laugh.
“Okay then, Mr. Smartypants. We’ll tell them together. Maybe Sunday since tomorrow’s a big day anyway?”