Page 43 of New Hope

“Daddy?” The sound of my daughter’s voice right outside the door had the same effect as a bucket of ice water.

We both froze in place. “Yes?” My voice was strained, and I hoped she didn’t notice.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m getting my costume on, honey.”

“Oh. Well, where’s Ellie’s daddy?”

Ford’s forehead landed on my shoulder in defeat, and I patted his back, fighting the urge to laugh. “He’s getting his on too. Why don’t you girls get your shoes on and wait by the front door. We’ll be right there.”

I listened to her scurry away and then I snorted. “That was a close one.” Ford lifted his head and took a step back so I could jump down from the sink. His eyes had a glazed look about them and his golden skin was flushed red, a thin sheet of sweat coating his brow. He stared at me for a moment then shook his head. “What is it?”

He reached out, cupping my jaw in his hand, his thumb tracing over my bottom lip. “I’m a cop. I’m trained to always be aware of my surroundings, but you…you make me forget everything. Even the fact that there are kids in the house.”

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” I whispered.

“I’m not sure. All I know is that I don’t want it to stop.”

My fingers circled his wrist as I looked into his eyes, deep enough I could almost see his soul staring back at me. Maybe I did. “Me either.”

His smile was immediate. “Give me a few minutes to get myself under control and then we’ll get to trick or treating with our girls.”

I made sure my costume was intact then slipped out the door. I stopped as it shut behind me, a goofy grin plastered on my face. Our girls. That had a very nice ring to it.