Page 39 of New Hope

River’s laugh was light, happy. “Yes, but you’ll have to come inside for it. No need to put on a show for the neighbors.”

My eyes widened and I glanced up and down the road, surprised that I hadn’t thought of that myself. Usually I was much more careful, but that was what River did to me. He made me forget things like being careful and using common sense.

I followed him into the house but as soon as the door shut behind us, I tugged him toward me for a proper kiss. My hands ran up and down his back as I poured everything I had into that kiss, coaxing a soft whimper out of him with my tongue. By the time I was done, his face was flushed, his pupils blown, and his breathing ragged.

He swatted my chest when he saw the smug smile spreading across my cheeks. “Proud of yourself?”

“You bet I am. I was worried I might not remember how to woo a date.”

River shook his head. “No worries there. Trust me, I feel properly wooed.”

“Good.” I gave him another soft peck on the lips and then took his hand as he led me further inside the house.

“What’s all this?” I asked, coming up short when we stepped into the kitchen. The lights were turned off, and gentle music was playing over a hidden speaker. The table had been set better than in any restaurant, with a tablecloth, cloth napkins, and River’s finest dishes. The single lit candle in the center of the table, along with several others scattered about, provided a soft glow around the room that was both intimate and romantic.

I could feel his eyes on me as he answered quietly. “I thought you might feel more comfortable without an audience for our first date. Especially since we’re keeping this to ourselves for now.”

I turned my head to look at him. My words came out rough and scratchy around the lump in my throat. “Now, I’m the one who’s wooed. No one has ever done anything like this for me.”

River practically beamed. “Honey, I’ve only just started to woo you.”

Dinner was delicious. Roasted turkey, herbed potatoes, glazed carrots, and homemade chocolate mousse for dessert. I praised River throughout the meal, groaning every so often as I took a bite. He watched me from across the table, his gaze turning hungrier, but not for anything on his plate. I smiled when he narrowed his eyes. “Enjoying yourself?”

“Immensely,” I countered with a smirk. “Besides, I owed you for earlier when you got me riled up in the driveway.”

“Whatever are you talking about?” He wore an innocent expression as he picked up his wine glass, holding it near the candlelight and swirling it around a few times before moving it to his lips. His eyes locked onto mine over the rim of the glass as he took a sip.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about. Teasing me about what else we might do besides kiss.”

River set his wine glass back down. His smile turned wolfish, and I suddenly understood what it felt like to be someone’s prey. Not that I planned on fighting it. I was exactly where I wanted to be. “It’s not technically teasing if it happens.”

I shifted in my seat, attempting to be discreet as I adjusted my cock which was half hard and pressing painfully against the front of my pants. It was all for nothing, however, as his eyes darted down to my lap and back up. The flame from the candle reflected in his eyes, but it was nothing compared to the flames of desire burning within. He stood, reaching out a hand to me. I took it easily. Whatever he wanted, wherever he wanted to go, he could count me in.

He led us out to his back deck, and I sucked in a breath at the view. The night was clear and cool, the moon shining brightly across the ocean, as if the Heavens themselves had decided to add to the ambiance. He’d lit several lanterns and a couple of outdoor heaters to help ward off the chill. An outdoor speaker was playing the same romantic music we’d enjoyed over dinner.

River pulled me in and wrapped an arm around my waist, his other hand curling around mine as he held them to his chest. I placed my other hand on his back and leaned my forehead against his as we began to sway, dancing slowly. Neither one of us were fantastic dancers, but it didn’t matter. In that moment, nothing did, except the two of us, breathing, feeling, falling. And I was definitely falling for him. In fact, I already had.

I had my worries. I worried if all of this change would be too much for Ellie. I worried about doing something that might set her back after she’d made so much progress. I worried about her reaction to finding out I was dating Hannah’s father. But the one thing I never worried about was River. I trusted him to take care of me, to take care of my heart. He wouldn’t let me, or Ellie, be hurt the way we’d been in the past.

I had no idea what would happen between River and myself. Things between us were new, and we were still learning about each other, but in a whole different way. One thing I did know for sure, was that I wanted more. More whispered words, more gentle touches, more of him holding me in his arms, and more of the feeling that I was exactly where I was supposed to be and with the person I was supposed to be with.

Our kisses started out slow, but it didn’t take long for them to turn heated. My hands wandered, learning all the places River liked to be touched, which spots made him whimper and which ones made him moan and committing them to memory for future use. His hands moved over me too, teasing one second and demanding the next.

Our chests were heaving when he finally pulled away. “I’m sorry. I told myself I wouldn’t get carried away, that I’d go slow since this is all new for you.”

I looked at him from beneath heavy lids, weighted down by lust. “River, I haven’t been touched in over a year and I’ve waited my whole life to be with a man. I may not be ready for everything quite yet, but I don’t need slow.”

He huffed out a breath, the warmth of it ghosting across my lips. I licked them, wanting to take all of him in. “Why don’t we go inside then and…not go slow.”

“Show me some of what I’ve been missing,” I whispered.

“Shit!” River cursed, grabbing me by the arm and yanking me toward the door. I laughed, barely able to keep up with him as we made our way inside. We’d barely stepped into the kitchen when he slammed the door shut then backed me up against the counter. He kissed me hard, a wild gleam in his eyes. “Are you sure about this?”

I had no idea what this was exactly. In fact, I wasn’t even sure of my own name anymore. All I could think about was how badly I wanted his hands on me, his lips, his tongue. I needed him everywhere all at once or I felt sure I might die. I nodded quickly like one of those dashboard bobbleheads. “I’m sure.”

In the next second, I thought I might just die anyway because this turned out to be River dropping to his knees right there in the middle of the kitchen floor. His hands were shaking as he quickly unfastened my belt, undid the button on my pants, and pulled them down to my knees. He leaned in, nuzzling his face into my boxer briefs. He inhaled deeply as his nose traced the juncture of my leg. He placed open mouth kisses along the length of my erection, blowing warm air through the material and onto my aching cock. Precome spilled from the tip and dampened the front of my underwear. He smiled mischievously when he saw it, his eyes flowing up to meet mine.

“Can I taste you, Ford?”