Page 12 of New Hope

“Come on, Miss Ellie. Let’s go get you a prize out of the treasure chest for being such a great patient,” Carol suggested.

“Can I, Daddy?”

Ford smiled at her. “Of course, Boo. You go ahead and see what they have to choose from. I’ll be right there.”

Ellie held Carol’s hand as they left the room. I could hear them talking all the way down the hallway. I turned to Ford, surprised to see him watching me. “That was amazing. Thank you. Not only for making the whole shot thing easier on her, but for everything. The way you were with her, how you were able to make her laugh.”

My face heated. “I was simply doing my job.”

He shook his head. “Well, you’re really good at it.” He paused, looking down at his hands. His words sounded strained when he spoke. “I haven’t heard her laugh like that in a very long time. We haven’t had too many reasons to laugh over the last year.”

I tilted my head, a million questions floating around in my mind, but I didn’t want to push him. “I know we barely know each other, but I’m here. You know, if you ever want to talk.”

Ford lifted his head, his eyes searching mine. He opened his mouth to say something, but Ellie came running back in before he got the chance. “Look, Daddy! They had a real treasure chest like a pirate. I picked a sparkly pen and this notebook so I can draw pictures for you.”

He smiled. It was that special smile he apparently kept reserved for his little girl. “That’s great, honey. We better get out of here. I’m sure they have other patients to take care of.” He stood up, taking hold of Ellie’s hand. “What do you tell Dr. Adams?”

“Thank you,” she responded shyly.

“You’re welcome. I can’t wait to tell Hannah how brave you were today.”

Ellie smiled at me then turned to leave. They were nearly out the door when Ford turned back. “Thank you.” His words were solemn, weighted with meaning.

I nodded quietly then stood there for several moments, listening to the sounds of their footsteps as they headed outside. I moved to the window, watching as they walked over to a big gray truck. Ford opened the back door and helped his daughter inside before climbing behind the wheel. My curiosity had definitely been peaked. What had happened over the last year to make them so withdrawn? Did they have friends and family they were missing back wherever they’d moved from? Was Ellie’s mother still in the picture? I knew virtually nothing about him other than the fact that he loved his little girl very much and yet, I got the sense that both he and his daughter could use a friend. Hannah seemed to have taken up that role for Ellie and I fully intended to be that person for Ford. If he’d let me.