Page 35 of The Final Straw

“That’s not all,” Bre adds. “She ended things with the two of them, even though she liked them. She still has feelings for you she needs to sort out.”

She’s not with them. I’m not even letting the part about her caring for them tarnish the one piece of good news I’ve gotten since all this shit happened. I still have a chance and it’s what I need to continue my fight.

“I still have a shot.” I smile like the cat who got the cream.

“You do, but Van, she likes them too. Just remember that. Maybe there’s a way for everyone to be happy. One big happy family.”

I get what Bre’s saying, but I don’t want to share.

“We need a new plan. One that Barbi will fall for,” I tell her.

“There’s one thing that Barbi has always been and that’s jealous.” My eyes widen at her words. She has my full attention. “She was jealous of you and Oliva, and the friendship that Olivia and I had. We need to play into that, Van. Hit her where she’s the most vulnerable.”

“Okay, but how do we do that? Olivia isn’t going to have anything to do with her or me right now. So how do we make her jealous of anything between us?”

Bre leans back in her chair as an evil grin spreads across her face. I swear, if she had her pinky to her mouth, she’d look like the evil villain in the Austin Powers movie.

“Simple. We drive her mad with jealousy until she cracks and confesses. It’ll be just like a Legally Blonde court moment, but not actually in court.”

Stupefied, my mouth drops open as I stare at her, struggling to comprehend what she means.

“Why does your face look like that?” she asks.

“I’m trying to figure out what you’re talking about?”

“Legally Blonde! Seriously, Van, you have no clue what I’m talking about?”

“Bre, if I did, I wouldn’t have asked you. Just tell me what I need to do and I’ll do it.”

“Fine, but we’re revisiting your lack of knowledge of one of the most iconic movies ever. It’s simple, we’re going to pretend to date and Barbi will go ballistic. Her rage at not being able to trap you will drive her fucking mad enough to hopefully confess what a skank ass bitch she is.”

“Do you think it’ll work?” I ask.

“I do. Now, text her and see when she can hang out. Make it a weekend because the weekdays are busy for me.”

With a sigh, I reluctantly put my coffee on the table and pull my phone out.

I quickly type a message to Barbi.

Me: Hey want to hang out this weekend?

When I see the check mark turn green, then the little dots dancing on the screen, my stomach turns. Everything about Barbi makes me want to puke.

Fuckingtrampasswhore: I knew you couldn’t stay away. How is Friday night? I can come to your house and we can replay our last night there together.

Me: I was thinking we could hit a bar or two. I’ll send you all the details later.

Fuckingtrampasswhore: Alright baby. We can meet before Friday if you want.

Me: I can’t. I’m crazy busy at work this week.

I don’t wait to see if she replies and slide my phone back into my pocket.


“Perfect,” Bre replies.

“I get your plan. We pretend to be together to drive Barbi mad. But what happens when Olivia finds out? There’s no way she’s not going to. It’ll be the first thing Barbi runs to do. Then she’ll not only hate me, but you as well,” I remind her of the minor flaw in her plan.