“Okay. Do you want me to come with you?”
“No, I’ll be fast,” he replied. “Just stay here.”
“Copy that.” I nodded, frowning.
“I’ll be quick, I promise.” He smirked.
“I’ll be here,” I said, watching him vanish into the woods like a shadow.
I ran my fingers over my lips, my cheek, my neck; all the places Tobias had kissed me. Imagining him all over me made my dick stir. Maybe I could rub one out while waiting for him. It was probably a terrible idea. Besides, I’d save my load in case he wanted to mess around again later.
That was fast, I thought to myself when footsteps neared but stopped. He’d only been gone a minute. I strained my ears for any sign of him, but there was only silence. Maybe I imagined them. I checked the perimeter, but there was nothing. Then, just as doubt began to creep in, came the unmistakable sound of someone approaching. My breath caught in my throat; my muscles tensed. Please be Tobias.
It wasn’t. Napoleon emerged from the darkness, his expression dark and menacing.
This was bad. How could I explain why I was out here alone near the North Compound? My heart lurched in my chest as he strode toward me. His beady eyes burned with lust. I backed away instinctively, my mind racing. I glanced around, hoping Tobias would return.
“This is what you’re up to, huh?” he asked. He pointed the muzzle of his rifle against my chest, pinning me to a tree. “How did you get out?”
I struggled to find words. I shut my eyes, thinking of a plausible excuse, but I came up with none. His foul breath assaulting my nose caused me to open my eyes. He was standing inches from me.
Napoleon’s gaze raked my body, then he slid his free hand into his pants. His eyes fluttered when he stroked his cock. “On second thought, I don’t care as long as I have you alone. I’ve been waiting for this moment.”
A shiver of disgust coursed through me, hoping I was in a dream, but the nightmare was leering at me. I searched the ground for a weapon.
“Don’t even think about doing something stupid, kid,” he said, licking his chapped lips.
I could easily take him down with hand-to-hand combat, but the fucker had a weapon.
“Take off your shirt,” he ordered.
“What?” My body turned rigid. This wasn’t happening. The thought of Napoleon touching me made my stomach twist with nausea. Bile burned the back of my throat, threatening to spill over as I battled to maintain my composure.
“Go on,” he said, pointing his gun at me. “Take. Off. Your. Shirt.” Napoleon gritted his stained teeth. “Or I’ll take you to Orcus. You know how much he loves rebels like you and your father.”
My blood boiled at the mention of Dad. I balled my fists and stepped forward to teach this motherfucker a lesson. One punch and he’d be lights out. “Fuck you!”
“Feisty. I love it.” He brought his gun back to my chest, the metal tip digging into my skin. “I know where your mom and sister live.”
I was defeated. I’d do anything to protect my family, even if it meant sacrificing my body. I lifted the hem of my shirt with my shaking hands.
“That’s it,” Napoleon moaned. “Slowly.”
I tossed my shirt to the ground and crossed my arms to shield myself from his sinister eyes and deranged smile.
An overwhelming surge of dread engulfed me. The world had suddenly gone quiet. My vision blurred, the edges of reality melting away into a haze. My heartbeat thundered in my ribcage, each pulse reverberating through my veins. But despite the horror raging around me, I felt strangely detached, as if I was watching the scene from a distance.
Time seemed to slow to a crawl when Napoleon’s sweaty fingers caressed my chest then trailed down my stomach. And then, without warning, a switch was flipped inside my brain and the world around me faded, leaving me suspended in a void of nothingness.
Tobias’s voice pulled me back from the abyss and the present snapped into focus.
He yanked Napoleon’s hand from my body and tossed him to the ground as if he weighed nothing. “I’m gonna fucking kill you!”
Napoleon winced when his back hit the ground. He reached for his gun, but Tobias grabbed his hand and twisted it. Tobias grabbed my discarded shirt and shoved it into Napoleon’s mouth, muffling his scream of agony when Tobias snapped his wrist.
I was too stunned to move and too angry to speak while I watched the fucker’s eyes double in size at the sight of his hand bent at an unnatural angle. What if Tobias hadn’t arrived?