“If we come back,” a voice from the back muttered.
“It’s a big if, but we gotta keep trying,” Five said.
“Someone’s coming,” our lookout said. “Wrap it up.”
The crowd dispersed and busied themselves with getting dressed.
“Joshua, wait.” I grabbed Five’s arm. “What about the guards on our side? Maybe they can help us.”
Five shook his head, his lips turning into a frown. “They’re here, not at the Restricted Zone, Abel,” he whispered, before disappearing to the bathroom.
“Hmm, interesting.” Tobias furrowed his brow. “How do you all plan to pull off an escape, Abel? It can’t be that easy.”
“We know. There are still things we need to iron out, that’s why we can’t go right now.”
“Okay,” Tobias said after a few seconds. “Here’s what we’re gonna do.”
“What?” I asked eagerly.
“First, I’ll take you to the guys out in the compound so you can tell them what we know. Then we’ll tell the rest of the trainees in the barracks together. We might have to pretend nothing has changed to pull this off.”
“You’ll do that for us?”
“Yes. I’ll do it for you.”
My heart was full. Maybe letting Tobias in on our secret wasn’t the worst idea after all. He could be the one to help us with the last piece of our plan. “When?”
“Tomorrow. We gotta head back.” He hooked his thumb to the trail leading downhill. “Before they realize we’re gone.”
“After you.”
Twenty-Nine: Tobias
Abel bumped into me when I came to an abrupt pause. “Shit!” he cursed. “What’s wrong?” The worry in his voice made me regret stopping without warning. I didn’t have a reason other than to tell him to walk beside me. “Did you see any guards?” His heavy breathing fanned the back of my neck. “Did we get caught?” He looked over my shoulder. “I’m gonna be so fucking toast.”
“No one will be here,” I said, hoping it would calm him down. I knew from my late-night surveillance that this area was deserted, especially this late. “And no one will put their hands on you ever again.”
“Then why did we stop?”
“Why don’t you walk next to me?” Heat warmed my face at my invitation.
“Okay … but why?” he asked. I didn’t need to look back to know he was grinning. I could sense it in his smug tone.
“Just in case—”
“In case of what?”
“Guards,” I blurted. “In case there are guards.” I was thankful for the darkness the night provided, hiding the blush creeping up my neck.
“But you said no one will be here.”
“I said just in case.” I felt hot suddenly, and it had nothing to do with the weather. Temperatures had been dropping and I was half-naked.
“I’m fine following you. I actually like to,” he said.
“Have it your way.” I looked back when Abel snickered, shooting him a death glare, which only made him chuckle. Don’t smack him. He’s just being a pain in the ass, I repeated to myself.