Is he jealous? “Nah. He’s a good friend. We learn how to take care of each other around here.”
“Where is he now?” Tobias moved his head sideways, waiting for me to answer.
“Back with the rest of the guys at the North Compound.” I compressed his spine, my hands traveling up and down his back. “Try to relax,” I urged, pushing his deltoids down. I switched to the heel of my palms, fanning them away from his spine.
“That feels good,” he moaned, his posture relaxing. “Mmm.”
I dragged my thumbs along the sides of his neck up to the base of his skull, applying pressure, then glided down. My cock perked from the euphoric sounds coming from his mouth.
“Thanks,” Tobias said, facing me.
“We’ve got work to do,” he interrupted my protest. He stood and extended his hand to help me stand. Tobias was still naked, and I didn’t miss how much he enjoyed that massage too. He attempted to cover his crotch, which was a wasted effort. There was no hiding his handful of hard dick. I wanted to run my tongue all over him. And if it wasn’t for the guards who’d be walking into my bunkroom in less than an hour, I would’ve had my way with him. The sooner we escaped from this hell, the sooner we could start a new life outside these walls. I didn’t know what that life would look like, but it had to be better than here.
We walked in silence. Each sight of a guard made my pulse quicken. “Will I see you today?” I asked when we reached the dorm doorway. I glanced inside; everyone was still asleep.
“Yeah, at training,” he whispered. Tobias stood inches away from me. He swallowed, his eyes see-sawing between my eyes and lips.
I wished he’d kiss me. We’d shared practically everything else, so what was the big deal? Were his lips as delicious as they looked? Were they soft? I could almost imagine his facial hair, which had grown since he arrived, prickling my face and neck.
Tobias cleared his throat, taking me out of my daydreaming. “Go change so I can take those with me.”
“Oh, right.” I pulled the shirt over my head and handed it to Tobias. “Wait a sec.” I walked inside, unbuttoning my pants—Tobias’s pants—along the way. I quickly changed into my black underwear before returning to the door. While Tobias watched me approach like a hungry wolf, I felt like a helpless lamb. My heart swelled with pride knowing that I had that effect on him. “Thank you,” I said, returning his black pants.
Tobias nodded before walking away. He glanced back before he cornered the hallway and shook his head when he found me watching him.
I felt light all morning. Three hours of sleep couldn’t kill the buzz of sharing last night with Tobias. I wasn’t exaggerating when I told him I felt alive. It was the only word that could describe how I felt after I’d come for the second time. And when he came all over my back? That was so fucking hot, I wished I could’ve recorded the moment.
Something switched between us. I could feel the change in the way he wiped my body clean following the mind-blowing sex, and in the way he let me caress the images inked on his arms that were tattooed in my head. I didn’t want to sleep but my body had betrayed me when he ran his hand through my hair.
“What are you smiling about?” Napoleon asked.
I glanced to my side and found the rest of the guys staring at me. “I just thought of something funny, sir.”
“I’m watching you,” he said before walking away.
The guys’ attention was still on me. I shrugged. “Still thinking about that joke Two told us a couple of days ago.” I hated lying to my friends, but I couldn’t tell them the real reason. Plus, I didn’t want to out Tobias.
“That joke was epic,” Seven agreed, nodding while grinning.
Relieved and thankful that they bought my excuse, we marched in a line behind the guards leading us to the gym. Although I couldn’t wait to see Tobias again, I was a little anxious about how he would treat me after last night. Would he be back to the cold version of himself, or warm like the man who woke me by caressing my chest?
“Where were you last night?” Twelve asked from behind me.
“Huh?” I looked back at him.
“I didn’t see you when I got up and peed this morning,” Twelve whispered.
“Shhh.” I placed my index finger against my lips and glanced at the guards in front of us. “I was with Tobias,” I admitted.
“We found out some shit, and we’ll tell the rest of the guys later,” I explained, my head bouncing between Twelve and the guards. They didn’t appear to have heard us.
Twelve’s face neared mine. “Is it about the plan?”