Tobias looked around the room with a raised eyebrow.
“I just wanna talk,” I insisted.
He closed the gap between us with one step. His face neared mine, skepticism all over his harsh expression. “Don’t bullshit me, boy,” he said, pressing his index finger into my chest.
God, if his words and dominance didn’t turn me on. It was surprising how commands sounded sensual and provocative coming from him, which was something considering my distaste for rules. Initially, all I wanted was to talk, but after hearing “boy” and the way he looked at me like he was about to swallow me whole, I was no longer certain.
“Just …” I cleared my dry throat. “Just talking.”
“This way,” Tobias said, heading to the bathroom.
I remained planted where he left me, picturing the least sexual image I could to fight off my urges, but scenes from earlier today flooded my brain. “Fuck it,” I said, ignoring my perked-up cock. I tiptoed to the bathroom, careful not to wake the sleeping guys.
Tobias was leaning against the concrete wall, waiting for me. The moonlight filtering through the small window beamed across his muscular tattooed arms. “What do you wanna talk about?”
I opened my mouth, but the words were trapped and my brain could only think of one question. I hesitated, sensing the fleeting opportunity, so I spoke just as Tobias hinted at leaving. “Are you gay?”
Tobias, far from shocked, met the question calmly, as if he knew it was coming. “No, I’m not gay,” he answered, his voice firm yet filtered with a trace of uncertainty. “At least, I didn’t think I was. I’ve never been with a man.”
“Did you … enjoy what happened?” I asked, eagerly anticipating his reply.
He paused a beat. “More than I should,” he admitted. He shifted his posture, and I was certain he was about to bail. He didn’t. He leaned to his side, feet crossed while facing me.
His admission was shocking. I should be rejoicing, but the guilt was stronger. “Where is Aurora?” I’d been meaning to ask but didn’t think I would be prepared for the answer. Did I lure Tobias into cheating on his wife? I glanced at his bare ring finger.
Tobias clenched his jaw, his features darkening. “She’s gone.”
“She left you?”
“She’s dead.”
My heart plummeted. That was the last thing I’d expected. No wonder he seemed miserable all the time. “What happened?”
Tobias dragged in a deep breath. “That doesn’t matter.”
“I’m so sorry, Tobias.” Did Dad know? He never mentioned anything about Aurora during our conversations surrounding his best friend.
“It’s fine. It was a long time ago,” he said. His eyes once again betrayed him. They screamed pain, anger, and grief before morphing into hollowness.
“I don’t know what to say.” I doubted there was anything I could say or do to help with the pain.
“There’s nothing you can say, but there’s something you could do.” Tobias’s eyes raked over my body, sizing me up. His intense scrutiny painted a lustful picture I wanted to be part of, front and center. His eyes searched the small bathroom before landing on a row of heavy-duty tactical belts hooked next to the shower stall.
“Sure. Anything.” My pulse quadrupled in anticipation of Tobias’s next words. I didn’t know what he had in mind, but it couldn’t be that bad. “Just tell me.”
“Anything?” It was as if his lips moved in slow motion.
Too stunned and stimulated, I nodded repeatedly.
Tobias reached for one of the belts and headed to the door. He gripped the knob, the veins in his arm bulging as he flexed. “I can’t guarantee what’s coming next,” he whispered. “But if—”
I dashed to the door and shut it. “I’m all yours, Daddy.”
Tobias growled. My excitement was off the chain. This was a bad idea, but if I could numb his pain even for a brief period, I’d man up and forget my fears. This was Tobias. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. Would he? “Good boy.” He tapped my burning cheek a couple of times. “Now, sit over there.” He pointed to the closed metal toilet.
I obeyed, looking up at Tobias wrapping the belt around his knuckle. I didn’t recognize the man standing over me, but I didn’t care. His face flashed a sinister smirk. This was the first time I’d felt uneasy around him.
“Are you afraid?” Tobias asked. He ran his belt-covered hand over my skin.