“All right,” Solon rumbled agreeably.

A moment later, Abbey started to smell something amazing. Warm fur and masculine spice tickled her nose, making her feel instantly aroused. It was his Bonding Scent, she realized, only magnified a hundred-fold!

“Oh my God, that’s amazing!” she nearly moaned, as she leaned towards the big Monstrum. “You smell so good!”

“The scent does smell, a-hem, extremely attractive.” Chancellor Maprist’s voice sounded strained. “My goodness—it’s positively magnetic!”

“It really is,” Abbey agreed, rubbing her cheek against Solon’s chest as he put an arm around her. She had a sudden urge to tackle the big Monstrum and rub her naked body against his. Only remembering that they were in public with other people kept her from jumping his bones then and there!

“Borigard, I hate to say it, but I think you may have created a dangerous scent,” Chancellor Maprist remarked, sounding distinctly uncomfortable. “I have no wish to have sexual relations with a male but this scent you’ve made for Commander Solon is making me rethink my whole sexual identity!”

“Yes, he smells divine, does he not?” The Royal Perfumer said dreamily. “I never knew I wanted to be with a man who was covered in fur until now!”

“You cannot let him wear that scent to the banquet tonight!” Chancellor Maprist exclaimed. “He’ll be mobbed by women everywhere he goes. And men too, I wouldn’t doubt,” he added.

“You’re right, I suppose—but what a shame! This scent is a crowning achievement. Natural aphrodisiacs are so rare,” the Perfumer remarked.

He sounded closer than before, Abbey thought through the lust-fogged haze that had clouded her brain. In fact, the orange and blue blur that was the Royal Perfumer was right beside her now.

“Spex, tell me what’s going on,” she whispered to her Eye-pet.

“The Royal Perfumer is rubbing against the big fur-man,” Spex reported. “But Spex doesn’t think the fur-man likes it. He is making a no-face. The Chancellor is making a want-face at the fur-man but keeping away from him.”

“I think you’ve captured the essence of my Bonding Scent—which is meant only for my mate, Abbey to smell,” Solon rumbled, sounding a bit unnerved at the reaction everyone was having to his new scent. “Er…should I wash it off?”

“Yes, I think you’d better,” Chancellor Maprist said stiffly. “We’ll just have to tell everyone that your natural scent is also your Official Scent. You can’t be let loose in the Royal Palace wearing an aphrodisiac!” He cleared his throat. “Borigard, can you please stop rubbing yourself against Commander Solon and give Lady Abbey her Scent so we can be on our way?”

The Perfumer detached himself from Solon with obvious reluctance. A moment later, he handed Abbey a tiny glass bottle that fit into the palm of her hand. She slipped it carefully into a pocket on the side of her dress and thanked him.

“Just one drop on your wrist and then rub it on your neck,” the Perfumer told her, sounding breathless. “Listen, I know the two of you are going to your rooms for some private time. Have you ever considered adding a third to your relationship?”

“Er…” Abbey wasn’t sure what to say to that, but Solon clearly had no such problem.

“I’m afraid not,” he said firmly. “Though we thank you for the invitation, Monstrum and their mates are exclusively monogamous.”

“Ah, well…” The Perfumer sighed. “You can’t blame a boy for trying! Very well, go on then. Enjoy yourselves and I’m sure I’ll smell you at the banquet tonight.”

“Thank you, Borigard,” Chancellor Maprist said stiffly. “Come, Commander—we must get you washed off before the banquet!” he added. “You certainly can’t go into the banqueting hall smelling like you do now or you won’t come out again alive!”

Abbey stayed close to the big Monstrum on the walk from the Perfumer’s to their guest quarters. Not because she was afraid of tripping—Spex told her where to go every step of the way. But because she couldn’t bear not to be touching Solon for an instant. His Bonding Scent, which had always drawn her, was so magnified now that it was almost like a drug. All she wanted to do was be near him and touch him…and have him touch her.

At last they came to another engraved door which said, “Welcome Commander Solon and Lady Abbey to your rooms.” When she touched its wooden surface, it swung open invitingly.

“I’ll leave you here,” Chancellor Maprist said, his voice still strained. “You have a few hours before the banquet begins—I’ll come back for you and bring you to the banquet hall.”

“Er, thank you, Chancellor,” Solon sounded preoccupied—possibly because Abbey was rubbing against his side—she couldn’t help it! She wanted him so much.

“Be certain you take a shower and scrub off that scent!” the Chancellor directed. “It would be dangerous to wear that in a public place. I’ll have to have a talk with the Empress about the Royal Perfumer!”

And he left them alone, still muttering disapprovingly to himself.



Solon stared down at Abbey in consternation. His curvy little human seemed completely overcome with lust and he wasn’t sure what to do about it. She was rubbing against his side and moaning softly and her scent told him she was in serious sexual need.

“Come on, lelka,” he murmured, closing the door so they could get some privacy.