“No—no wait!” She put a hand on his broad chest and pushed.

To his credit, Solon drew back at once.

“I’m sorry. Did you change your mind about wanting to be kissed?”

“No…” Abbey shook her head. “It’s just…you’re so big and when you leaned over me like that, I got…got scared,” she finished in a small voice.

She was afraid that the big Monstrum would be angry with her, but Solon seemed to take what she said in stride.

“Of course you did—I’m sorry, lelka, I should have thought about what you’ve been through,” he rumbled. “Well…what about this…”

There was a motion beside her and suddenly the big golden blur was in front of her instead. Abbey realized he was kneeling at her feet. However, he was so much taller than her, that his face was still almost level with hers.

“Oh!” she said, reaching out to touch him. Her hand came in contact with his cheek and he cupped his own big hand around hers. Turning his face, he pressed a soft kiss into her palm that made her tingle all over.

“Is this better, lelka?”

“Yes, I…I think it is,” Abbey said.

“If you’ll lean towards me, I’ll show you the way the bodyguard kissed the princess,” he rumbled. “If you still want me to, that is.”

“Yes, I do.” Heart thumping, Abbey leaned towards him. She closed her eyes as she felt the soft press of his mouth against hers.

He was very gentle…tender even. He didn’t grab her or ram his tongue down her throat, the way the few men that she’d kissed in the past had done. He took his time, exploring her lips and letting Abbey explore his as well. It made her feel like her whole body was on fire with sexual need and she just wanted more.

But not too much more—what if he got the wrong idea? The thought caused a little burst of panic inside her and she pulled away, breaking the kiss.

“That…that was nice,” she said lamely, panting a little. “Er, thank you for showing me how…how he kissed her.”

“You’re very welcome. Your lips are so sweet, lelka.”

The golden blur moved and she realized that he was standing again. Then he settled beside her on the couch once more. He didn’t try to grab her or take more than she’d offered. He just said,

“Should I start the vid again so we can see what happens next?”

Abbey was both disappointed and relieved. Part of her wanted more—much more than just a simple kiss. But her past still stood in the way and part of her was glad that the big Monstrum hadn’t tried to do anything else.

“Yes, start it again. Er…I’m cold,” she said to him. “Do you mind if I scoot a little closer to you? You’re so big and warm.”

“Of course not. Come here.”

A long arm looped around her and scooted her closer. A moment later, Abbey found herself leaning against his side with her arm resting on his muscular abdomen and her cheek against his chest.

“Is that all right?” she heard Solon ask.

“It’s nice,” Abbey said, rubbing her cheek against his chest. “But it would be even nicer if you didn’t have that t-shirt on. Not that I want you to get completely undressed,” she added quickly. “It’s just that I like your fur, that’s all.”

“I can take off my shirt if you like,” he offered. “Many of the Monstrum don’t believe in wearing clothing at all, you know,” he added. “If they’re covered in fur or scales or feathers, they think it’s unnecessary. But others of us feel it is a mark of civilization.”

“How do you feel about it?” Abbey asked, sitting back so he could remove the t-shirt.”

“I think it’s important to wear clothing—especially on Earth,” he said, settling down and putting his arm around her again. “I know you humans believe it’s indispensable.”

“Well, yes, but we’re not covered in fur. Mmm, that’s nice,” Abbey sighed as she snuggled against his muscular side once more. His short, dense fur felt silky against her cheek and arm and hand as she stroked him. It was like cuddling with a huge, muscular teddy bear, she thought. And he smelled so good. Pressing her face to his chest, she breathed him in deeply. God, his scent was practically addictive.

“Are you comfortable now, lelka? Should I start the vid again?” His deep rumbling voice sounded slightly amused.

“Mmm-hmm.” Abbey sighed in contentment. “Yes, go on. And tell me everything they’re doing.”