“Nothing, only I need to tell you something,” he rumbled. “You see…”

A knocking on their bedroom door interrupted him.

“Your pardon, Commander Solon, Lady Abbey, but I have been sent to tell you that the banquet will begin in half an hour. Please be ready to go when Chancellor Maprist comes to collect you.”

“Understood!” Solon called. “Lady Abbey and I are getting ready now.” He sat up in bed, bringing Abbey with him. “I guess we’d better hurry.”

“Okay.” Abbey nodded—they could talk about whatever had been troubling him later. Right now, they had to get ready for the banquet.



The Empress’s banquet was a meal unlike anything Abbey had ever experienced before.

She and Solon were ushered into a vast room with a high ceiling—she could tell by the way the sound echoed. Despite being in a new room she’d never visited before, Abbey walked with confidence. Spex had woken up from his nap and was sitting on her shoulder and Solon was right beside her, so she had no fear about tripping or bumping into anything. Also, the floor was clearly marked with a red wooden path leading through the gray marble of the floor which showed her where to walk.

They were seated on large, puffy cushions at a low table with a space underneath for their feet. To Abbey’s left was the head of the table where the Empress sat and to her right was Solon. To his right was Chancellor Maprist, who had come to get them as he had promised. As they were seated, an attendant announced their names loudly.

“Commander Solon and Lady Abbey are now being seated!” he announced.

“Oh my dear—there you are!” the Empress exclaimed from Abbey’s left. “I’m so very glad you’re here.”

“Thank you, your Majesty,” Abbey said politely, leaning towards her. “And I want to also thank you for letting me have an Eye-pet—I found the perfect one and I’m already in love with him!”

“Oh, do tell me all about it!” the Empress asked. “Did you get one of the pups from the new litter?”

“No—I found one who hadn’t matched with anyone yet. He’s a little older but I like that—we suit each other perfectly. Don’t we, Spex?” she asked, reaching up to stroke his soft, fluffy fur.

“Pretty Abbey chose Spex and Spex loves Pretty Abbey!” he squeaked, dancing on her shoulder with his three little feet.

The Empress heard him and laughed.

“My, my—it seems you’ve found your soulmate, my dear!” she said to Abbey. “But tell me—I hear you had a spot of trouble at the Royal Perfumers?”

“Oh, er…” Abbey wasn’t sure what to say.

“The Royal Perfumer accidentally made a scent for me that was too, ah, enticing, Your Majesty,” Solon said, answering for her. “I had to wash it off, unfortunately, but we have agreed to use my natural scent as my Official Scent instead.”

“Well, that’s all right then—you do have a lovely natural scent,” the Empress said. “But speaking of scents, the Perfumer is hard at work incorporating the fragrance of those roses you brought into my Royal Scent. He promises me that it will be done very soon and I simply cannot wait to wear it!”

“I’m certain it will smell wonderful on you, Your Majesty,” Abbey said politely. “I’m so glad you liked the roses—they’re the best selling flowers in our shop back on Earth.”

“I’m not surprised a bit!” the Empress declared. “In fact?—”

But just at that moment, someone murmured in Abbey’s ear,

“Your pardon, Lady Abbey, but I have tonight’s menu card here for you.”

“Oh—the menu cards!” the Empress exclaimed.

“Thank you,” Abbey said, reaching out for the menu.

A stiff card, studded with many raised bumps arranged in straight rows, was put into her hands. She frowned as she ran her fingers over the rows of round bumps.

“Is this some kind of raised lettering? I’m afraid I can’t read it.”

“No, no, my dear!” The Empress laughed. “The bumps you’re feeling are the choices for tonight. You simply hold the card to your face and press a bump—just one at a time, mind you. A little spray will come out which gives you the scent and flavor of the dish the bump represents. Chose whichever dishes you like and when the server returns, tell him your choices.”