“I don’t either,” Solon rumbled, running his big, warm hands up and down her back and shoulders. “You feel so right in my arms.”

“Yes, it does feel right.” Abbey looked up at him. “Solon, I mean it—I don’t want this to end after our Claiming Period is over. I want to stay with you—I want to Bond with you. I mean, I don’t know how we’ll work out the living situation between the Monstrum Mother Ship and Earth but?—”

“Abbey, do you mean that?” He cupped her cheek and Abbey knew he was looking down at her. She wished she could see his facial expression. “Are you really promising to Bond with me?”

Abbey smiled up at him, loving the hopeful note in his deep voice.

“Yes, I mean it. I know we haven’t known each other a long time but well…when you know, you know. You’re the one for me, Solon. The one I was waiting for, even though I didn’t know I was waiting.”

“Oh, lelka…” He crushed her to him and kissed her deeply, nearly taking Abbey’s breath away as he shared her own special flavor with her. “Thank you for trusting me,” he rumbled, when they finally broke the kiss. “Thank you for agreeing to be my mate.”

Abbey’s heart swelled. This was right—she could feel it with every fiber of her being. Solon was the one she was supposed to spend the rest of her life with.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” she murmured, stroking his mane. “Why don’t you Bond me to you? After all, you just, uh, licked me a lot so I should be able to take you. I hope,” she added, remembering how thick and long his shaft was.

“I wish that I could, lelka,” he rumbled. “Unfortunately, we cannot Bond yet.”

“Why? Because it’s not the Bonding Week yet?” Abbey demanded. “Forget about that—I don’t care what week it is!”

“No, that’s not the reason—warriors and their brides can mutually agree to skip weeks in the Bonding Period if they decide before it’s over that they want to stay together,” Solon told her. “The reason I can’t Bond you to me yet is because we have to fold space in order to get home to the Monstrum Mother Ship. And remember, that’s not safe for pregnant females.”

“Wait…what? Are you saying you’ll definitely get me pregnant if you Bond me to you?” Abbey asked with wide eyes.

A blur of motion let her know he was shaking his head.

“Not definitely but it’s a possibility since in order to Bond you to me I must have my shaft buried to the hilt in your soft little pussy as I fill you with my seed.”

“Oh, well…” Abbey bit her lip. “I guess we should be careful, then.” But she couldn’t help feeling disappointed. The sense of rightness was still burning inside her like a flame—she wanted to consummate her relationship with the big Monstrum and form a Soul Bond with him.

“Don’t feel so sad, lelka,” he rumbled, stroking her cheek lovingly. “There are plenty of pleasures we can give each other in the meantime. And as soon as we get back to the Monstrum Mother Ship, I’ll Bond you to me.”

“What about Aunt Rose? Where will we live?” Abbey wanted to know.

“Wherever you want, sweetheart,” Solon assured her. “We can stay on the Mother Ship or we can live on Earth. Or we can split our time between the two.”

“I like the idea of that,” Abbey said thoughtfully. “I don’t want to leave Aunt Rose completely alone—she still needs some help to run the shop.” She sighed. “We have to stay open every day just to make ends meet.”

“What if you didn’t have to be open all the time? What if your aunt had some special flowers only she could get to sell? Wouldn’t their rarity make them more valuable?” Solon asked.

Abbey began to get excited.

“Do you mean the flowers from the Monstrum Mother Ship? Do you think Commander Rarev would let us sell them in the Rose’s Roses shop?”

“I don’t see why not,” Solon rumbled. “I’ll have to clear it with him first, of course, but I’m guessing he’ll say ‘yes.’ That way your aunt wouldn’t have to work as much and you could afford to close your shop more often.”

“Oh, Solon—that would be wonderful!” Abbey threw her arms around his neck. She loved working with her aunt but there was no doubt that the hours were long and tiring sometimes. If Rose’s Roses was the only shop able to sell the rare alien blooms from the Monstrum Mother Ship, their business would boom, even if they choose to keep the shop open fewer hours.

It sounded like the perfect solution and the perfect life to Abbey. She hugged the big Monstrum tightly and felt Solon squeeze her firmly but gently in return. He was always mindful of how much smaller she was than him and how much stronger he was than her. It made her love him even more.

“I love you too, lelka,” he murmured in her ear, and she realized he must have felt her outpouring of emotion.

She felt emotion coming from him as well—a love so wild and deep it nearly overwhelmed her with its depth and intensity. It was like expecting to step into a bathtub and finding you were swimming in the ocean instead, she thought. Truly, the big Monstrum’s love for her seemed to have no limits.

“I’m so glad you came to get me,” she murmured, nuzzling her cheek against his soft fur. “And I’m so, so glad that stupid exemption paperwork I filed didn’t go through!”

Solon shifted against her and she felt a surge of unease coming from him—but it was so brief that she almost wondered if she’d imagined it.

“Solon?” She pulled back, making his name a question. “What’s wrong?”