“I’m sure you will,” Aunt Rose said to him. “But honey, did you come back just to give me these?” she asked Abbey

“I needed to get my cane and my phone too,” Abbey explained. “And my MyEye in case I need to read anything.”

“Of course. You got some mail while you were gone, too—a special invitation to your high school reunion. I left it on your bed,” Aunt Rose said.

“My reunion?” Abbey said blankly. Honestly, she’d forgotten all about that.

“What’s a high school reunion?” Solon wanted to know.

“Oh, it’s a kind of get-together—you get to see all your old friends from school and show them how successful you are now,” Abbey explained. She sighed. “I didn’t really want to go—I mean, I’m blind and single and still staying at home—I’m not exactly living my best life.”

“Yes, you are!” Aunt Rose exclaimed. “Look at you, Abbey—you have a big, handsome, Monstrum warrior and you’re not living at home—you’re living on the Monstrum Mother Ship. At least for now,” she added.

“Well…” Abbey still wasn’t sure. “Let me make a few phone calls and I’ll decide, okay?”

“I would be pleased to go with you if you want to attend,” Solon rumbled. “I can wear my dress uniform if you think that would be more impressive.”

Abbey laughed.

“Well, maybe. Though I don’t know how much more impressive you can get when you’re already a seven-foot tall, muscular alien warrior! Let me get the invitation and read it.”

She led Solon to her room and he sat on her bed while Abbey got her clothing and aides together. Aunt Rose had already put her phone and cane on the bed. Abbey just needed to gather her charger and the MyEye device, which clipped onto a pair of glasses and was able to read written documents to her.

Luckily, the invitation was printed—the MyEye had difficulty with script and handwriting.

“You are invited to our Ten Year Reunion,” it read to Abbey in its soft, mechanical voice. “Be sure to bring a date or a spouse and get ready for a night of retro fun as we relive our high school glory days!”

There were a few more details—the reunion was in a month and it would be held in the high school gymnasium. The invitation finished with “Go Lions!” which confused Solon.

“Who are they asking to go and where?” he wanted to know.

“Oh, that’s a reference to our mascot—the lion,” Abbey explained. And then she had to further explain the idea of mascots.

“So…humans like to make an animal the symbol of their sports teams?” Solon asked.

“Yes. Actually, you ought to fit right in if we go—you look kind of like a lion, don’t you?” Abbey asked.

“So I’ve been told. Though I also have horns, which I believe lions do not have.”

“No, but that’s okay.” Abbey reached for him and he leaned down to her. She ran her hand through his golden mane and then up the twisted spiral of one horn. “I like your horns,” she told him.

“Mmm, and I like it when you stroke them,” he rumbled. “But you should know that my horns are an erogenous area for me.”

“What?” Abbey exclaimed, yanking her hand away. “Do you mean that me touching your horns is like I’m touching your, uh…you know.”

“My shaft, you mean? Yes, it’s exactly like that.” But there was a rumble of amusement in his deep voice that made Abbey laugh.

“Oh—you’re teasing me, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am,” Solon admitted, laughing too. He had a deep, rumbling laugh that Abbey liked at once. “I just wanted to see what you’d do if you thought it was true. I do find your hands on my horns pleasurable, but not to that extent,” he added.

“Well, it’s good to know I’m not going to make you come in your pants if I touch your horns,” Abbey remarked and laughed again.

She was feeling more and more relaxed with the big Monstrum. And the more she thought about it, the more she liked the idea of attending the reunion with him on her arm. She had mostly happy memories of high school—she’d had her sight back then and she’d had a group of girl friends she loved hanging out with. There was only one thing she needed to be sure about—one person she didn’t want to run into…

“Chris Brander, the quarterback of the football team?” Maria’s voice sounded skeptical over the phone. “No, I heard he moved away to the UK. Something to do with his job in finance. I don’t think he’s going to be at the reunion.”

“You’re sure?” Abbey pressed her. She had asked Solon for privacy to make the phone call so he was in the other room, talking with Aunt Rose. “Because I don’t want to ever be near him again. You know why.”