He’d been enjoying being single, and now he was enjoying rediscovering all the needs he’d put on the back burner. He was using Garrett under the guise of expanding his outlook on sex.

“It was boiled chicken and rice. Perfectly nutritious, but not much better than takeout sex,” Garrett offered.

“Yes.” It had been fine. Yet at the same time, it had only been fine. “They both have their own issues.” He moved back so his hands could work lower. “This is too soft of a massage for you, isn’t it?”

Garrett turned his head to glance at him. “I figured this was for you and that you wanted to touch me because I’m so gorgeous.”

Chester laughed. “I said it once, and I’m never going to live it down.”

“Make the most of it, because when I get a boring accounting job, I’m not going to be working out or training all day.”

Chester dropped one knee between Garrett’s thighs. It was enough of a hint for him to spread his legs. “Is that your plan for life after football?”

“Plan A is to play for enough years that I put a couple of mil in the bank, then I can choose what to do, or live on the interest.” He sucked in a breath as Chester massaged his ass cheeks, gently spreading them.

“You can tell me to stop, okay?”

“I know… I’d be just as nervous if you were about to fuck me.”

“I wouldn’t want to destroy your hole before you have to get naked in the locker room.”

Garrett laughed and lowered his face to the bed. “No one looks that closely at my ass in the locker room.”

“They should. It’s a very nice ass. I want to see it in those tight gold pants, honey.”

“Same. If I get to pull on those pants and play, you can do whatever you want to my ass.”

“Mmm. Don’t give someone free rein to your ass. That’s inviting all kinds of trouble.” His thumbs brushed over the crinkled skin of Garrett’s hole. “But if you play, I will gladly fuck you. Does Monday work for you because I don’t want you walking funny at training.”

Garrett laughed. “Your dick’s not that thick.”

“And your ass isn’t that well trained.” He ran his teeth over one ass cheek.

Garrett tensed. “No bite marks, because the guys will ask where they came from.”


“I will save biting your ass for postseason.” Chester shouldn’t have said that because it implied, they’d still be together postseason.

“Are you going to add biting my ass to your sex degustation menu?”

“I’ll think about it.” Because now there was a getaway that he really wanted to go on looming in front of him. “And what is Plan B?”

Chester leaned in and licked Garrett’s hole. Garrett sucked in a breath and nearly levitated off the bed. Chester returned to massaging his ass cheeks, separating them, and stroking his hole. He waited for Garrett to tell him to stop or answer his question.

“Plan B is falling back on my degree. Two years of playing is a nice nest egg, but not enough to live off. Not at my rate of pay, anyway.”

“Please, per minute, you’re one of the best paid players.” He moved slower this time, letting the tip of his tongue linger. “Will you go back to Australia?”

“I don’t know…” He scrunched the sheets, gripping them tight. “I can’t think that far ahead. I have to think…” He gasped. “Of the next training session… of the next game.”

With every lick, Chester took note of Garrett’s reactions. The way he drew in a breath and held it, the way his ass cheeks tightened beneath Chester’s hands, and the way his hips moved as he humped the bed.

“God, can you please…”

“Please, what? Stop or keep going?”

Garrett groaned.