“Heroine?” Adrianna gasped, feeling her throat go tight with sickness. She suddenly felt filthy that she had this man, this drug dealer, in her apartment. “No,” she spat, shaking her head. “Just the pills, whatever this will buy me.” Pulling money from the pocket of her shorts, she thrust a hundred dollar bill in his hand and held her palm out for him to fill it.

Boggs looked at the bill appreciatively and then folded it before jamming it into his back pocket. Pulling a baggie from the front of his cargos, he dropped it into Adrianna’s waiting hand.

“Those are Oxys,” he told her. “Strong, so don’t do anything stupid.”

Adrianna nodded and then opened her door, signaling that it was time for Boggs to go. He took a step and then stopped, appraising Adrianna’s appearance. Though she looked like she hadn’t slept or showered in days, she had a hot body and a pair of fantastic tits. Great mouth, too. He said to her, “Ya know, it looks like you could use some company tonight. We could hang out, get high together?” He ran a finger up Adrianna’s bare shoulder and she jerked away in disgust.

“Not interested,” she sneered and then pushed his shoulder until she could close the door behind him.

Grasping the baggy tightly in her sweaty hand, she went to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water from the sink. Her heart pounding loudly in her chest, she returned to her living room where she sat on her couch and placed the drugs and the water on the coffee table in front of her. She stared at the pills with watery eyes and thought, this was it. This is what she had wanted so badly. Right there, just inches from her hand was the salvation she needed. It would bring her serenity. It would bring her peace. For just a second she urged herself to be strong, to fight it, to throw the pills away and get through her pain any other way. But she ignored it and reached into the bag. Withdrawing a little green pill, she tilted her head back and placed it gingerly on her tongue.

Chapter 15

Jack’s palms were sweaty and his heart was racing as he rode the elevator up to Adrianna’s apartment. He had a speech prepared that he hoped she would accept and he had rehearsed it, even out loud, in his car on the drive from his father’s house. His nerves dancing, he walked slowly down the hall, deliberately breathing slowly. When he reached her door he cleared his throat a few times, brushed off his blue jeans and grey t-shirt, and raked a hand through his hair. Damn, he was nervous. Taking one more deep breath, he knocked.

And then knocked.

And then knocked again.

Shit, she wasn’t home. He listened for any noises behind the door but all was silent. Using his old trick, he pulled out his phone and dialed her number. He could hear her phone ring from inside the apartment.

Knocking again, he called out, “Ade, it’s me, please open the door. Ade!” Still nothing.

Unsure if he should, but not wanting to lose the nerve to face her, Jack pulled out his keys, finding the one he never gave back to Adrianna attached to the ring. Knocking once more and waiting a beat, he then unlocked the door and stepped inside her apartment.

Adrianna was curled up, asleep on her couch and Jack felt his heart constrict at the sight of her. She looked fragile and weak; her skin even paler than usual and her dark hair unkempt and in a knot on the back of her head. Her cutoff shorts and black tank top were wrinkled and well worn, like she hadn’t changed in days and Jack would swear she had lost five pound since he last saw her.

Jack knelt down at her side and with a gentle hand, he stroked her head and whispered her name. Adrianna was jolted from sleep and she sat up quickly with wide eyes and a thumping heart.

“It’s me, it’s me,” Jack spoke quietly, cupping her shocked face to relieve her worry. “I’m sorry I scared you.”

Adrianna swallowed thickly and croaked, “What are you doing here?”

Holding on to her face and looking deeply into her chocolaty eyes, Jack said, “I had to see you. I need to tell you something, Ade. I made a huge mistake.”

At his words, Adrianna shifted, pulling her face from his hand and Jack’s attention was drawn to something on the couch. Adrianna had been lying on it and it was something plastic, flattened against the cushions. Reaching out with a steady hand, Jack pulled it from the seat and brought it closer to his face to inspect.