Jack returned the kiss and then pulled away to say, “Ade, I-”

Adrianna interrupted him by joining their lips again. “Shh,” she told him. “I don’t want to talk.”

Whatever excuses Jack wanted to give her, Adrianna didn’t want to hear it. She didn’t care if he needed some space to get over losing his father; she just needed to know he still wanted her. She needed to replace the worry she had been feeling for the last five days with the joy Jack could bring her with his touch. She peeled off her emerald green, sleeveless top and then yanked Jack’s off as well. She removed her own bra and then pressed herself against Jack again, immediately comforted by the contact of his warm skin.

Jack let Adrianna drive their lovemaking, slowly enjoying her soft curves while she fervently worshipped the hard contours of his body. He let her strip them both naked and when Adrianna straddled his lap again he stopped her from taking him inside her right away. Instead, he brought her to her first orgasm by deftly moving his fingers between her legs and lavishing her breasts with his lips and tongue. Only after she came did he gently guide her hips so that he filled her with his erection.

Adrianna started riding him fast and hard but Jack brought one hand to her hip to slow her movements. Bringing his other hand up to cup her cheek he held her gaze and declared, “I love you.”

A whimper of relief escaped Adrianna’s lips before she repeated Jack’s words back to him. Then she moved over him, slowly and sensuously this time, until they both came, crying out each other’s names in unison.

Jack wished he could just flip a switch and turn his fucking brain off. After being with Adrianna again the night before, twice actually, he should have been feeling better and free of worries or doubts. Instead, he was up early again, sitting on his sofa in his underwear fretting again about where his feelings for her were coming from. He spent five days apart from her and in that time he became uncertain if he actually loved her or loved the fact that she needed him. Then, when she was in trouble again yesterday, his love for her coursed through him, stronger than ever and he felt rushed with the need to be with her. If anything, his fear that his sister was right was being confirmed.

Jack heard Adrianna’s cell phone ring and listened while she spoke to whoever called from his bedroom. Glancing at the clock on his cable box he was surprised to see it was already past nine. He had been up and thinking for last two hours.

Adrianna emerged from his room in his old Metallica t-shirt and a pair of boxers, rolled up at the waist. “Someone found my purse,” she said happily, taking a seat beside him. “A small store owner found it behind his building. The asshole who robbed me just took the cash and dumped the rest, like the cop said he probably would. My wallet, license, and credit card are all there. I guess I’m lucky the guy who found it turned it over to the cops.”

“Good,” Jack stated.

“They’re going to try to get fingerprints but I can pick my stuff up later today.”

“I still want your locks changed,” Jack told her.

“I’ll call a locksmith later,” Adrianna assured. “How long have you been up?”

“A few hours.”

Adrianna frowned. Jack was quiet first thing in the morning but if he had been up for a few hours he should be livelier than this.

“Is something wrong?” Adrianna finally asked. After having sex the night before, Jack seemed back to his old self but now Adrianna could see he was withdrawn again. He shook his head but Adrianna wasn’t buying it. “If you tell me you’re still upset about your father, fine, I’ll back off, but I’m scared that something more is bothering you and you aren’t telling me.”

Jack inhaled deeply. How the hell was he going to explain this to her without sounding like a scumbag? He turned on the sofa to face Adrianna and tried the best he could to describe his feelings.

Adrianna listened calmly at first as Jack told her about the conversation he had with his sister. When she started to understand what he was saying her eyes narrowed and she shifted away from him on the couch.