Jack was still asleep next to her and Adrianna’s heart swelled at the sight of the man who had literally saved her. He lay peacefully, one of his hands resting on his bare stomach, the other reaching out, palm up, like he had fallen asleep holding hers. His hair was rumpled but his face was smooth. Adrianna figured he had cleaned himself up after she fell asleep the night before. The saint that he was, Jack had neglected everything in his life, including shaving, for the last four days while he cared for her. Adrianna had grown to like the faint mustache and beard but he was so much more handsome without them. Thanking God for sending Jack her way, Adrianna climbed out of bed as quietly as possible. Jack had earned every extra second of rest she could give him.

The mirror in the bathroom reflected back the same person Adrianna always saw. She was surprised her looks hadn’t changed, for she felt so different. Still, the same skinny, wan girl looked back at her, only a little more bedraggled than usual. She grimaced when she took in the wrinkled shirt and shorts she had on and the rat's nest on top of her head. Water and soap ran over her face, she used her toothbrush, and then pulled a comb through her hair. After making herself more presentable she gave herself another once over in the mirror.

Things had changed, that was for certain, but the changes couldn’t stop just with the pills. She didn’t want to become as dependent on Jack as she had on the Vicodin, so there was a lot more to come. What did she do? She needed to let Jack get back to his own life and she needed to move forward with hers. By doing what, she had no idea, and that scared her but she would figure it out.

She returned to the bedroom where Jack was still sleeping and changed into a clean pair of panties and a t-shirt. Turning her phone back on she saw she had two missed calls, one from her mother and one from Jason again. How pathetic? Two calls in four days. She neglected to listen to the voicemail her mother left and then crawled back into bed with Jack.

As the mattress shifted, Jack stirred and then his eyes flew open. Taking in the morning light coming in from the window his head swung to his side where Adrianna stared back him, her cheek resting on a pillow. She smiled and brushed a lock of hair from his forehead.

“How long have you been awake?” he yawned and then scrubbed at his face with his hands.

“About fifteen minutes.”

“Did you sleep the whole night?”

“I did,” Adrianna answered, nodding her head.

Jack pulled her close and kissed her cheek. “That’s wonderful. How do you feel?”

“Better. Not great, but so much better,” she sighed.

Jack hummed, relieved at what she said. Not that he wouldn’t take care of her forever if needed, but he was exhausted and couldn’t bear to see her in agony anymore. He never said it out loud to her, but several times over the last four days he was ready to go out and get her pills just to end her suffering.

He pulled Adrianna on top of him and she wrapped her arms around his neck. While Jack breathed in the lavender scent of her hair he ran his hands up and down her naked thighs. He loved waking up so normally with her in his bed and looked forward to doing it again and again. With the pills out of her system it was time for them to enjoy the perks of a traditional relationship.

“Thank you, Jack,” Adrianna breathed into his neck while squeezing him a little tighter. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, sweetheart,” he told her. “And you’re welcome.”

Adrianna pulled her face from his neck and brought her lips to his, pouring all of her overwhelming gratitude into the kiss. Her hair fell around them like a curtain and Jack felt like he was in a cocoon that contained the two of them and no one else. They were the only people in the world at that moment. He turned them so they were both on their side and grabbed Adrianna’s knee to hitch her leg over his hip. His straining cock pressed between her legs and she moaned in want.

“Are you okay to do this?” he murmured against her lips while his hand caressed the back of her thigh up to the curve of her bottom.

Adrianna pulled her mouth free to answer and Jack licked the skin at her throat. “Yes,” she sighed.