Jack sighed and relaxed a fraction at Adrianna’s proximity. Feeling sorry that he hadn’t given her a proper greeting, he tightened his arms around her and claimed her lips when she looked up at him. As he kissed her he felt the same desire course through him that always did and it comforted him to know that his sister had to be wrong. There was more to Adrianna that he was attracted to than just her problems. The evidence was right there; singing in his blood as her tongue moved against his, pounding in his chest as her small hands clutched his hips.

Jack didn’t know if he needed to prove something to himself or if he needed a distraction from his shitty day or if he just simply needed Adrianna, but he found himself undressing her in the kitchen, pulling off her black top and then working to slide her jeans down her legs. Once she was clad in only a red, lacy bra and matching boy shorts, he lifted her to sit at the edge of the small kitchen island behind her.

Adrianna was confused at Jack’s actions since she had gotten there. First, he seemed indifferent to her presence, barely looking at her when he greeted her. Then, he seemed angry when his sister appeared and now he was passionate and wanting sex. Figuring he was just looking for a way to relieve stress and grief, Adrianna didn’t deny him. While his kisses became more rough and urgent, she worked on unbuttoning his shirt and pushing it off his shoulders. It fell to the floor with a quiet swoosh and then Adrianna pulled his undershirt from the waist of his navy slacks. She broke apart their kiss to yank it over Jack’s head. Before joining their lips again, Jack unbuckled his own belt and pulled his pants and briefs down just enough to free his erection.

Adrianna stroked him lightly but Jack wasn’t interested in any type of foreplay that night. When he tugged at her panties she tried to lift her hips but Jack was too impatient. Gripping them tightly in his fist, he tore the flimsy lace from her body and without any preamble, he filled her. Not nearly ready for such an intrusion, Adrianna bit her lip to prevent herself from crying out. She wasn’t in pain, per se, but the friction created when Jack moved in and out of her was less than pleasurable without any aid from the slickness of her arousal.

Oblivious to the fact that Adrianna wasn’t exactly enjoying herself, Jack pounded away at her, gripping her tightly around her waist and burying his face in her neck. This was the most quiet they had ever been while having sex; the only noises echoing through the house were Jack’s labored breaths and the knocking of his belt buckle against the counter. Adrianna knew she was being used but she didn’t care. She loved Jack and she would allow him to take his aggression out on her sexually if that’s what he needed. She turned her head and kissed his temple while she held onto him for another five or six thrusts before he came.

Jack pulled away from Adrianna and quickly did his pants up before bracing himself against the counter, breathing heavily. He felt better until he looked at Adrianna and saw her still sitting there naked other than her bra, slightly quivering from the intensity in which he took her.

"Shit," he cursed and hooked one arm beneath her knees and the other around her back to gently set her on her feet. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart," he spoke against her temple. He kissed her several times and hugged her tightly in apology.

"It's okay," Adrianna reassured. She placed small kisses on his bare chest to show him she meant it.

"I can't believe I just did that to you," he continued to lament. He was disgusted with himself and how he behaved, practically attacking his own girlfriend to satisfy his selfish needs. "I'm so fucking sorry."

"Hey," Adrianna gently reproached, "it's okay." She took Jack's face in her hands and looked him square in the eyes. "I'm fine. I'm more worried about you. Did something happen with your sister before I got here?"

Jack wasn't about to tell her the real reason behind their argument so he lied and said, "She was just pushing me to make decisions about Dad's house and stuff."

"Oh," Adrianna frowned, thinking it was highly insensitive of Jack's sister to start worrying him with things like that before their father was even buried. "Doesn't she realize there's plenty of time for that?" she asked.