Adrianna emptied the rest of the Hot Tamales on the ground and threw the empty box in her purse.

“I hope you’re up there having a good time, Rae,” she said, getting up from the ground and brushing the grass from her jean shorts. “Save a bed or a… patch of cloud for me, or something, ‘cause when I make there, I’m headed straight for you. We have a lot to talk about.”

Kissing her fingers, she leaned over and touched her hand to the ground. “See you later.”

As Adrianna turned to leave she jumped when she felt something hit the back of her head. Spinning around and bringing her hand up, she searched for someone and came up with nothing until she looked down at the ground. There, at her feet in the grass, was a small, solitary acorn.

It was plucked up from the ground and placed in Adrianna’s pocket before she wrinkled her nose at her friend’s grave.

“You bitch,” she laughed.

Sure, it could have fallen from a tree, even though it was the middle of the summer, or a squirrel could have dropped it from its nest above. Adrianna, however, chose to believe otherwise.

Chapter 11

The cab pulled up to Loki’s at approximately seven forty-five. Heaving her bag over her shoulder, she stepped into the bar and was surprised to see it was pretty full for a Sunday evening. Then she heard the awful, twangy voice of someone who sounded drunk and she remembered Jack had booked a Karaoke D.J. to try to bring in more customers on a usually slow night. It seemed to be working.

She shuffled through people and around tables to reach the bar, searching for Jack. He was supposed to pick her up from the train station that night but since he never called, he didn’t know she had decided to come home earlier. Rather than just call him, Adrianna decided to show up so she could see it in his face if he was really through with her.

Recognizing his messy, dark hair above the heads of those around him, Adrianna made her way towards the very end of the bar where Jack was. When she saw what he was doing, she stopped dead in her tracks.

Across from Jack was an attractive brunette with painted on jeans and a black halter top that showed an ample amount of cleavage. Jack was flashing his sexy smile at her and talking. The woman giggled and then crooked her finger so that Jack leaned over the bar so that she could whisper in his ear. Jack laughed and pulled away from her, shaking his head.

As if he could feel her glare, Jack’s head turned and he looked straight at Adrianna across the room, their eyes locking on to one another’s. Confusion swept over his features before he smiled brightly at her and waited for her to move to greet him. With a look that was half hurt, half pissed off, Adrianna only spun on her heel and stormed back towards the door.

“What the fuck?” Jack mumbled and pushed a beer bottle aside to swing his legs over the bar. The brunette who had been flirting with him jumped out of the way with a cry of surprise. He caught up with Adrianna just as she exited the door.

“Adrianna!” he called and lunged to catch her hand. She stopped walking but yanked her hand from his and shot him a nasty look. “What are you doing here; I was supposed to pick you up at nine?”

“I came home early. Sorry, to just show up here and interrupt you and your...friend,” she scathed.

Cocking his head to the side, Jack’s face twisted in confusion. “Oh, come on, you know that wasn’t anything to get upset over. I’m a bartender; flirting with the customers is a practically in the job description.”

“Whatever,” Adrianna huffed. “I’m going home.”

She turned to flag a cab down but Jack grabbed her hand once again, holding strong this time.

“Ade,” he said gently, “I’m sorry if your feelings are hurt but please don’t just walk away from me on the street. It was friendly flirting, that’s all.”

Refusing to meet his eyes, Adrianna gritted, “I didn’t hear from you all weekend.”

“Yeah, because I wanted to give you some space and time to visit with your parents, not because I wasn’t thinking about you.” He moved in front of her and threaded their fingers together. “All I did this weekend was work and worry about you but I started to feel like I’ve been smothering you. I figured when you needed me you’d call. You did promise you’d do that.”