“Since when am I Mr. Simms?” he chuckled quietly, squeezing his late daughter’s friend with an ache in his heart. “It’s Carl, Adrianna.”

“Right,” she said.

“Well, come in,” he insisted, gesturing down the hall towards their living room. “Lynette will be so pleased to see you.”

Rachel’s mother was on the living room sofa, watching a program on television. When she saw Adrianna she looked confused for a moment and then her face lit up in recognition.

“Adrianna!” she exclaimed, rising from her seat and embracing her. “How are you, dear?”

Lynette Simms looked older to Adrianna as well. Wrinkles that hadn’t been there the last time she saw her were prominent in her features and while she still had a full head of curled hair, there was plenty of grey in the blonde locks.

“I’m well,” Adrianna lied. She frowned when she detected the odor of alcohol on Lynette’s breath. When she pulled back to look into her eyes, the same green eyes that Rachel had, she noticed they had a glossy look to them. It was barely noon.

“It’s been so long, it’s so good to see you,” Lynette continued as they sat down together. “Tell me what you’ve been up to.”

Adrianna smiled and tried dancing around her answer, saying she was just keeping busy while living in the city.

“No school?” Lynette asked. Carl retuned from the kitchen with a cup of coffee for Adrianna which she gratefully accepted.

“No,” Adrianna answered. “It’s still a possibility but for now I’m just going to work.”

“You and Rachel were so ambitious,” Lynette sighed. “What you two could have become…” She trailed off and Adrianna sipped her coffee. Don’t you dare cry again, she told herself.

“How are your parents?” Carl asked from his recliner in the corner of the room.

“They’re fine,” Adrianna said. “Mom is still working part time at the hospital and Dad is enjoying retirement. I think he plays golf six days a week.”

“Well, good for him,” Carl laughed. “Doesn’t sound bad at all. I’m still pushing numbers for AT&T, stuck in a stuffy office all day, but I like to keep busy.”

Adrianna grinned and remembered all the times Carl had taken Rachel and her out when they were kids. While she wasn’t close to her own father, Rachel’s took them to museums, ballgames, and to Great America on the weekends, even riding the roller coasters with them. He was so fun, like a big kid himself, and when Rachel’s mother would tell them no to staying up late or extra ice cream or watching a scary movie, Carl would wink and help them sneak it anyhow.

“So, do you have a boyfriend?” Lynette asked hopefully.

“I do,” Adrianna said and then felt another dip in her belly at the thought of Jack, who still had not called. “His name is Jack. He owns a bar downtown.”

“How lovely,” Lynette commented. “Do you ever hear from Jason?”

Adrianna wondered if she should answer truthfully but she said, “Actually I saw him just the other day.”

“How is he? We don’t hear from him anymore.” Lynette’s voice held a little sadness to it.

“He’s well. He works with an accounting firm in the city. He’s… getting married.” Why the hell did she let that spill out? The look on Lynette’s face almost killed her.

“Well, that’s nice,” Carl interjected after a stretch of silence, reaching for his wife’s hand. “Isn’t it Nettie?”

Lynette seemed to drift off into another place and when Carl nudged her hand she blinked and shook her head.

“Yes, lovely,” she stammered. “You know what, dear? I’m really not feeling well, today. I’m going to lie down for a while. You visit with Carl and come back again next time you’re in town, okay?”

Adrianna stood to say goodbye but Lynette hurried from the room before she could offer a parting embrace. Feeling horrible, Adrianna set her coffee down and told Carl she had better be getting home anyhow.