“You have me,” he breathed into her hair before placing a kiss there.

They sat in a comfortable silence for a while, staring out at the lake, the water calm and blue. Spotting a boat in the distance, Adrianna became nostalgic for her crew team.

“I miss rowing,” she mumbled, absentmindedly, to the water.

“So you did row?” Jack asked, remembering the original excuse she gave him about the scar on her back.

“I did. I used to love it.”

Jack wrapped a hand around the bicep of her left arm. “I would imagine you used to have pretty big guns back in college.”

“Nope. With rowing it’s more about the strength in your legs,” Adrianna informed, sticking her leg out and flexing her foot. Though she hadn’t rowed in years, she still had strong muscles in her calves and thighs.

“You have great legs,” Jack praised, grazing his eyes down to admire them. “I love them almost as much as your lips.” Adrianna smiled as he tilted her head to kiss said lips.

“Well,” she told him, “you’re going to have to do without these legs and lips for a few days. I think I’m going to go out to my parents’ this weekend.”

“Would you like me to come with you?” Jack asked her.

“I would love for you to meet my parents, but no, Jack,” she said. “You’ve just given up four days of your life for me, I am not asking for any more.”

“Stop,” Jack admonished. “You didn’t ask, I offered. It’s not a big deal.”

“Thank you, but no. I need to do some things on my own. This is one of them.”

Jack nodded in understanding. He respected the hell out of her for wanting to take the steps alone, too.

Adrianna’s cell phone rang and she frowned at the screen when she saw who was calling her again.

“Who is it?” Jack asked.

“The telemarketer.”

“Now’s as good a time as any to see what he wants, Ade.”

Nodding, Adrianna answered the call.

“Adrianna?" Jason said. "Please, don’t hang up.”

Chapter 9

The following evening Adrianna sat inside a Starbucks, nervously tapping her fingers against the cup holding her iced chai latte. Jason, whom she was surprised to find out was also living in the city, had begged her to meet with him to talk. Reluctantly, and with Jack’s encouragement, she had agreed. After spending the day prior together, Adrianna had insisted Jack go check on his bar, which he agreed to do only if she would stay at his apartment one more night. That morning, Adrianna returned to her own apartment, nervous about the fact that she was going to be alone for the first time since stopping the Vicodin. Nevertheless, she assured Jack she was fine, and promised to call him if she needed anything.

After that she called her mother who was ecstatic when Adrianna told her she would be coming home the next day. Her mother practically cried and then promised to pick her up from the train station Friday evening. For the rest of the day, Adrianna did her best to keep busy and fretted over her meeting with Jason.

She recognized him as soon as he walked in the door at exactly six fifteen on the dot. Rachel used to tease him about his punctuality. Jason looked exactly the same, his six foot frame still slim, and his dirty, blonde hair still cropped short. Adrianna used to say that Jason and Rachel were like life-sized Ken and Barbie dolls. They would have made beautiful babies.

Jason scanned the shop and when he found Adrianna he smiled tightly while making his way towards her. Adrianna’s heart pounded frantically while clenching at the same time. Seeing Jason reminded her so much of Rachel and for a second she imagined him meeting the both of them there. He would have gone straight to Rachel for a kiss and then would have asked the both of them what they wanted to drink. Jason was always such a gentleman.

“Adrianna,” he greeted with a nod. “I’m going to get a coffee, can I get you anything?”

Adrianna gestured to the drink in front of her. “I’m fine, thanks.”

When Jason returned with his order he sat across from her. She took in the dark suit he was wearing and asked, “Are you just coming from work?”