Adrianna found her t-shirt and used it to clean herself off. “What are you sorry for?”

“The condom,” he panted. “I know I pulled out but isn’t there still a chance you could... ya know?”

“Relax,” Adrianna said, reclining on her side to face him and stroking his jaw to alleviate his worry. “I get the Depo shot every three months, I think we’re okay.”

Jack sighed in relief. “You sure?”

“Yes,” Adrianna laughed. There were other things to worry about when it came to unprotected sex but her doctor’s office had called saying her blood tests had come back fine and Jack would have told her if he was anything but healthy.

“So we can stop using condoms altogether?” Jack asked hopefully.

“If that’s what you want,” Adrianna told him. “The shot is like ninety-nine percent effective and I make sure I get it every twelve weeks.”

“Thank God. I hate using condoms,” Jack admitted.

“What is it with guys and condoms? It can’t make that big a difference.”

Jack shrugged and turned over on his back, pulling Adrianna into the crook of his arm. “Do you like it when I give you a massage?”

“Of course.”

“Would you enjoy it as much if you were wearing a raincoat?”

Adrianna chuckled. “Point made.”

A twinge in her back made Adrianna stiffen and she shifted uncomfortably in Jack’s arms.

“Scale of one to ten, how bad is the pain?” Jack asked.

“Five. Maybe six.”

“Come on,” he said, moving to get out of the bed. “We’re gonna go for a walk.”

After showering, Jack and Adrianna moved hand in hand down the streets of Chicago, weaving in and out of the sidewalk traffic. It was midmorning on a weekday and so there weren’t many people out on that cloudy June day. The weather was warm, but not stifling, and Adrianna enjoyed being out after spending the last four days cooped up Jack’s apartment.

“Exercise is one of the best ways to work through pain,” Jack told her as they crossed to Grand Avenue heading towards the Navy Pier. “I know a personal trainer who works at a gym not far from you. He specializes in working with people recovering from injuries. I think it would be a good idea if you went to see him.”

Adrianna stopped at a bench looking out at Lake Michigan and stretched. It did feel good to be out walking.

“I’ll do that,” she said and then took a seat. Jack sat beside her. “There’s a lot I need to figure now.”

“Not to sound like a clichéd asshole,” Jack laughed, “but just take it one day at a time. There’s no rush for you to start making major changes.”

“I know, but I need to get a job or something. Idle hands are the devil’s tools. How’s that for clichéd?”

“What about going back to school? You said you wanted to be a pediatrician and it’s not too late.” Jack took Adrianna’s hand in his and stroked her knuckles. Jack was always finding a way to touch her and she loved him all the more for it.

“I don’t know,” she said shaking her head. “I’d have to take the MCATs again and apply to med schools. It’s a lot work and I don’t know if I’m cut out for it now.”

“Did the last four days not prove anything to you? You can do anything you want if you put your mind to it.” Adrianna rolled her eyes. “That was the last cliché, I promise.”

“I guess I’ll see. I need to go see my parents, too. I’ve been so awful, lying to them and not visiting. They think I already have a job.” Adrianna scoffed and took a deep breath before continuing. “I’ve lied to you, too, Jack.” She let him put his arm around her and she leaned into him. “Those times I said I couldn’t see you because I was out with friends? Those were just excuses when I was having bad days. I don’t have any friends.”

Jack squeezed her more closely to him and told her it was okay.

“I mean, I have acquaintances I run into when I go out and there’s Heather across the hall but....” she trailed off, figuring Jack got the idea.