“I stockpiled a lot of the pills when I was still living at home and I’m very convincing when I see the doctor,” she admitted to him. “I lie and make something up or I’ll cry and he takes pity on me. As far as the pharmacies go, I switch around a lot, use online drug stores sometimes and don’t file it with insurance. I just pay cash and it’s worked so far.”

By the time she finished, Adrianna’s voice had taken on a certain tone that conveyed annoyance and Jack tried to reassure her. “I’m not trying to pry; I just want to understand as much as I can so that I can help you, Ade.”

“Does it really matter how I get them?” she demanded. “It’s not like I’m buying them illegally or prostituting myself for them, Jack.”

She was on the downward cadence of a mood swing and Jack recognized it. Just moments ago she had been fine talking about her problem and now she was becoming defensive and angry.

“You want another pill right now, don’t you?” he asked her.

She clenched her jaw and looked away from him. After a second she shook her head in denial.

“Adrianna, I’m not so stupid to think you won’t need the pills anymore since I’ve professed my love to you. I do love you and I do want you to stop but I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. If you need to, take a damn pill.”

She waited another few seconds before giving in and heading back to the kitchen. Jack remained on the couch, giving her some semblance of privacy while she did something he knew she was ashamed of.

When she came back to him and yawned again, he led her through the hall into his bedroom and settled them comfortably on his bed. He cradled her in his arms and said, “Rest for a while. We can talk more later.”

When Jack heard Adrianna’s breathing become steady, he quietly exited the room. After researching online, he had a plan and a shopping list. A quick note to Adrianna was left on his pillow in case she woke while he was still gone, and then he was on his way with several places to stop.

Throughout his excursion around town, Jack contemplated where his life was headed now with Adrianna in it. He loved her. Fuck if it was stupid to do so, for he saw what it was like for his mother being in love with an addict, but he did love her. And he would not compare this to his parents. One, Adrianna was not nearly as far gone as his father and two, he believed she really wanted his help, even if she didn’t ask for it yet. He had seen the look on her face when he told her about his father and she seemed troubled at the thought of turning out like him. Jack had a plan to ensure she wouldn’t, and after hitting three different stores, he returned to her at his apartment.

Adrianna was waiting for Jack curled up on his couch, flipping through television channels. When he saw her upon entering, he smiled to himself, knowing he was making the right decision. She looked beautiful and vulnerable and the urge to protect her from everything, including herself, coursed through him.

Juggling the bags in his arms, he went to her, kissed her hello and asked, “How long did you sleep?”

“Only about forty minutes,” she replied. “What did you buy?”

“I’ll show you later,” he called over his shoulder as he made his way into the kitchen. “You must be hungry; I’m going to fix us something to eat.”

With two plates of spaghetti, Jack returned to the couch a while later. Adrianna sat up and helped him drag the large, wooden coffee table closer to them.

“What are you watching?” Jack asked her, plopping down on the couch after retrieving two glasses of red wine, ready to eat.

Adrianna, pretty famished herself, dug into her food. “Haven’t found anything yet,” she muffled around the pasta in her mouth. “I thought you said wine was boring.”

“Those rules only apply if you’re out drinking. What you drink in the privacy of your own home doesn’t mean a thing,” Jack told her with a wink as he began to twirl his food with his fork. “I think Duck Dynasty is on.”

Adrianna finished chewing and then swallowed, a sour look upon her face. “I hate reality TV.”