Page 48 of So Silent

“I’ll keep this one.”

His smile widened. “You know what? I believe you.”

“Guys!” Wanda exclaimed, “We got something!”

Chapter Twenty Three

Faith and Michael’s eyes widened. Turk barked in excitement. Then all three agents rushed to Wanda, who stood at the doorway of the conference room.

Wanda started off down the hallway before the agents reached her. They had to jog to catch up. When they were close, Wanda explained what was going on. “We just got a call for the 4400 block of Westmore Drive in Holbrook. A bunch of dogs going crazy, whining and howling. We have two units in Holbrook already converging on the scene with three more on the way.”

“We’re sure this is legitimate?” Faith asked. “I can’t believe our killer would strike so soon.”

“Might be a false alarm,” Wanda admitted. “We told people to call every time a dog barks, so we’re bound to get some of those. But I choose to be optimistic. Besides, at least we know this system works.”

The four of them entered the dispatch room. Half of the room was separated for use solely by the task force going after their killer. One of the dispatch officers was speaking while everyone else listened in hushed anticipation. No fewer than seven detectives and officers surrounded the dispatcher’s desk.

“Can you describe the suspect?” the dispatcher asked, her voice barely containing her own excitement.

A thrill ran through Faith. She reminded herself that there could be an innocent explanation for what was going on, but damn, she hoped it wasn’t.

“Roger that,” the dispatcher replied, “Caucasian male, six-foot-three, two hundred twenty pounds, blonde hair. Wearing what looks like a military uniform. Any tattoos or identifying marks? Anchor tattoo on right bicep. And you said he’s walking down the street blowing a whistle?”

An explosion of activity followed that. The gathered police detectives rushed away. Most headed back to the command room, but a few followed Wanda and the agents toward the exit.

“Have they assigned us another car yet, Michael?”

Michael cursed. “No, not yet.” The two of them stopped at the front desk, and Michael said, “Hey, we need a car ASAP.”

The desk sergeant blinked, a little frazzled by the sudden explosion in activity at his precinct. “Um… I’m pretty sure all the cars are in use right now. There’s a big task force hunting a serial killer.”

“We know,” Michael said irritably. “We’re the heads of that task force. We were supposed to have another car waiting for us. Did no one tell you that?”

The sergeant blinked again. “No. What happened to your first car?”

Michael rubbed his eyes. “Can you just give me a damned car, please?”

“Forget it, Michael,” Faith said. “We’ll catch a ride with—”

The sound of squealing tires assaulted Faith's ears. She looked through the glass doors of the precinct to find the only cruiser remaining in the lot, speeding off with Wanda and the three detectives that joined her inside.

“Seriously?” Faith cried. “Damn it!”

“I can get you a BearCat,” the desk sergeant offered helpfully.

“Is that a car?”

“Well, it’s an offroad truck. It belongs to Bellevue PD, but they loaned it to us for—”

“Can it drive on pavement?”

“Um, yes, but it’s governor limited to—”

“Fine, where is it?”

“It’s in the impound lot.”

Faith sighed. “Please tell me the impound lot is here.”