Page 56 of So Silent

The killer aimed the knife at them and cried, “Back off! I’m warning you!”

Faith aimed her gun and retorted, “And I’m warning you. Turn yourself in, or I’ll shoot!”

The killer released noise that sounded like a whine. “Damn it, I didn’t do anything! Why are you guys chasing me?”

Turk rushed him, and the killer stabbed with the knife, forcing Turk to plant his feet and come to a halt. Faith fired, but the killer saw the shot coming just in time and dove to the ground.

“Now, Turk!”

Turk's hand clamped down on the hand holding the knife again. The killer brought the whistle to his lips, and Faith rushed him.

She grabbed his hand and yanked the whistle from his mouth. He yelled and struggled, but Faith and Turk pinned him down, holding his hands to the ground.

“Please!” he cried. “I’m sorry! I’ll let you read my mind, I just…” he burst into tears. “Please don’t hurt me!”

“You have to release your weapons,” Faith told him. “As long as you’re armed, we’re not letting you go.”

“Why?” he whined. “Why are you doing this to me? Why me? There are other killers, worse killers. Why are you sending people after me.”

“We send people after every killer,” Faith said. “You can have a chance to tell your story, but not as long as you’re an active threat to innocent people.”

“But I’m not threatening innocent people! It was just one person. Everyone else was a government agent sent to arrest me! I was only protecting myself!”

Faith frowned at him. “What the hell are you talking about? You killed four innocent women.”

“What was I supposed to do? Just let them kill me?”

Faith blinked. Insane criminals were nothing new to her, but this was the first time a criminal claimed to be defending himself from people trying to kill him.

But whatever his delusion, he had murdered innocent people. She could hear his side later. She planted her knee on his wrist and twisted the whistle from his grasp.

“No! No, no, no, no, no!”

“Now drop the knife,” Faith commanded. “The last thing you want to do right now is hurt me or my dog.”

He looked like he was going to continue resisting, but at long last, backup arrived. A searchlight shone through the trees and illuminated him, and a moment later, Michael and four armed police officers burst onto the scene.

The killer dropped his head to the ground and let the dagger slide from his hands. He wept softly, tears streaming from his cheeks.

Faith stood and kicked the knife away. The killer made no attempt to dislodge himself from Turk’s grip.

“All right, Turk,” she said. “Let him go.”

Turk released him, and the police officers quickly rolled him onto his stomach and cuffed him. Michael kept his gun trained on the killer until he was handcuffed, then holstered it and turned to Faith. “You all right?”

“Yeah,” she said. “I’m okay. How’s the victim?”

“Hysterical,” Michael replied. “They had to sedate her to get her into the ambulance. But she’s okay. No injuries.”

Faith nodded and turned to their killer, who continued to sob as they led him away.

“What’s his story?” Michael asked.

“He thought he was defending himself,” Faith said.

Michael’s eyes widened. “Really?”

“Looks like it.”