Hawk stretches his arm out, offering me his hand. When I touch it, he runs the rough pads of his fingers over my much softer ones.
“Come on, babe. Ride with me.”
He doesn’t give me any choice but to follow him. I rush to zip up the backpack while Hawk rolls up the top he brought to me and the sweatpants I was wearing earlier. He walks outside first, making sure there’s no one out there. He puts all his stuff and mine in the two saddles framing his motorcycle, then he sits on it and starts it. All the while, I remain standing in the doorway, scared to step a foot outside the door.
Hawk revs up the bike before turning around to look at me.
“There is no one here right now,” he assures me. “We need to leave.”
I put my backpack on and pull the hood over my head before taking off in a light run until I reach him. He pats the seat behind him, showing me what to do. With tentative moves, I land on the seat, my knees framing his hips. He hands me a helmet, which takes me a minute to secure to my head.
“Say goodbye to this fucking town, babe,” Hawk mutters in the corner of his mouth. “You’ll never see it again.”
The ride from where I’d been staying for the last few weeks to where my mother lives is four and a half hours. At the halfway mark, I decide to stop and gas up, maybe grab a bite to eat.
I smile to myself when I hear Ruby groaning in pain behind me. Riding for so long when you’re not used to it is no joke. She’s been a trooper though, no word of complaint coming out of her mouth.
“Do you need to use the restroom?”
She nods while her eyes move in all directions. It’s as if she is scared of her own shadow. I don’t blame her, she should be.
“Keep the hood over your head, okay?”
Ruby nods again. The sight of her in my way too big for her hoodie is sexy as fuck. It makes no sense considering it you can’t even tell what the shape of her body is underneath all the material. The helmet she has on under the hood only makes me smile more.
She walks away, heading toward the gas station. I watch until she is inside the building before looking for the pump number. I then walk inside as well. I head to the men’s bathroom, then come back out, grab a few random snacks, and go to pay.
“Pump six, fifty bucks,” I tell the clerk who never takes her eyes off her phone while cashing me out. I’m not even sure she counts the money right, and I let her keep the change.
When I get back to the pump, I find Ruby standing there, a worried look on her face.
“I panicked,” she whimpers.
“Did you think I just left my bike here and took off walking?” I chuckle.
She just moves to the side and doesn’t comment. While we wait for the tank to fill up, I pass to her some of the snacks I bought. I almost regret it when her eyes suddenly look watery.
“Twix is my favorite,” she whispers.
“Dig in then,” I grumble without acknowledging the meaning of her words.
She opens the wrapper and starts taking small bites out of the candy bar. It’s almost like she’s scared of eating it too fast.
“I don’t normally eat very many sweets,” she explains when she notices me watching. “It’s not good for my weight.”
I finish the beef jerky I got for myself in two bites. By now, the tank is full on my bike, and it’s time to get on the road once again.
“You need anything else before we start?”
I don’t even know why I’m being this considerate with her. Not to mention the fact that bringing her with me will complicate my life tenfold. Prez is going to be so fucking angry over this. If we’re being followed right now, this could pose a real threat to the club.
Ruby shakes her head and gets back on the bike without protest, although, the face she makes when her ass hits the seat is another story.
“You should’ve stretched more,” I point at her. “I’m not stopping again until we get there. We’re burning daylight as it is.”