On a whim, I decide to go for a walk while I smoke, get some fresh air and all that. It’s kind of counterproductive smoking while getting fresh air, but at least I make an effort, right?
My entire body feels stiff and tired, reminding me that I need rest. As I get closer to forty, I find that I can’t stay up late like I used to, and I appreciate my alone time a lot more than before.
I scan the map of the neighborhood on my phone, figuring out which way I need to walk to get to Ruby’s house. When I finally got it down, I light up a cigarette, make sure to stick the rest of the pack and lighter in my pocket, then close and lock the door to the motel room behind me.
Just as I pass my bike, I pat my side to make sure the gun is still there. I notice a couple of losers shooting up by the dumpster, and shake my head in disgust. I don’t give a fuck about them doing drugs, but talk about unsanitary.
I suck on my cigarette like my life depends on it, listening to my heavy footsteps on the cracked concrete of the sidewalk. Getting to Ruby’s place is no trouble at all. I look at the dilapidated house, wondering which side she is on. The house looks really rough, worse than I’d expected. It surprises me that she’s not scared to come home here in the middle of the night.
No sooner I think of that, and headlights shine right on me as I stand in the middle of the sidewalk.
“Fuck,” I mutter around my cigarette. I shouldn’t be this careless, especially in a territory I am not familiar with.
I watch a small car whipping into a parking spot by the house. Thinking it must be one of her neighbors, I’m surprised to see Ruby getting out of the vehicle. She is holding a phone in her hand, and her eyes look wild in her face when she stares at me.
“I’m calling the police,” she warns me. “Stay back.”
I don’t mean to laugh, but she looks really cute as she stands there in a pair of sweatpants and a black tank top, with flip-flops on her feet, looking so much shorter than when I see her at the strip club. Her hair looks wet, like she just took a shower, and her face is bare of any makeup, at least from what I am able to see in the dark. There’s just enough light coming from the window of one of the apartments in her building to see her features.
With a quick move, I take a step forward and snatch the phone out of her hand. Making sure to check the screen, I notice that she never actually dialed the police.
“You should’ve called before getting out of the car,” I chastise her softly. “And you should’ve never gotten out of the car. That was stupid, Ruby.”
She crosses her arms over her chest. The move pushes her breasts up, looking like they’re about spill out. I’m sure it’s not on purpose on her part, and that she’d not be happy if she realized it.
“What are you doing here?”
Her voice is shaking, and I now I feel bad for her. Not enough to leave, but still. I had no intention to scare her like this. In fact, I thought she’d be home by now.
I grin at her. “I’m out for a walk.” I bring the cigarette up to my lips and give it a strong pull.
“How do you know where I live?”
I debate for a second whether I should lie to her or not.
“Finding out where you live was the easiest thing, Ruby Santiago.”
She lets out a gasp of surprise when I say her last name. I am seriously surprised at how innocent she looks. I’m not even sure she’s not underaged. That is one line I do draw in the proverbial sand. This sort of jailbait is the hardest to get out of should you get caught. You can get rid of murder charges easier than sleeping with minors. Besides, that hasn’t ever been my thing, not even when I was underage myself. The older girls could actually teach me something.
Ruby watches me with her big brown eyes, the fear almost palpable. I am scaring her, and I need to make this work in my favor.
“How about you invite me in, Ruby?” I gently suggest. “You and I need to have a talk.”
Her eyes instantly fill with tears.
“Please don’t hurt me,” she begs. “I plan on leaving soon. You won’t ever see me again.”
I am surprised at hearing how fast she caves. No wonder the Lizards were able to talk her into this.
“I have no intention to hurt you, sweetheart. As long as you are being a good girl and listen,” I add after a moment.
She nods and swallows before turning toward the main entrance to her apartment building.
“Oh, I need to grab my bag and keys,” she says when she realizes she can’t get in.
I follow her to her car, finishing my cigarette while she grabs a large duffel bag and keys from inside the vehicle. We then make our way back to her place of residence.
She puts the key into the lock and opens the main door. I almost laugh at that. The latch was barely holding it closed, and with only a hard push, anyone could get in.