Page 72 of Six Wishes


Great day


“Van, wake up!” I slap my feet against his legs when my eyes land on my phone. Neither one of us heard the alarm I set last night before we went to bed. Or this morning rather. God, I can’t believe how late we came in.

“What?” Van sits up straight in bed and looks at me with the most adorably confused look. I’d kiss him, but I don’t have time for that.

“It’s ten minutes to seven, Van! I’m going to be late!” I feel like I’m going to cry. This is a nightmare.

“You’re fine.” He jumps out of bed and runs to the bathroom where he starts to brush his teeth at a furious pace while I also hear him peeing. I’d normally make fun of him for that, but, again, I don’t have time to waste.

As soon as he is done with the toilet, I run to the bathroom to wash my face. Thank God we came to my suite last night instead of going to his.

As I run a dry towel over my cheeks, I look around in confusion. “You used my toothbrush?”

“Yeah,” Van spits into the sink and rinses. “Problem?”

“Uhhh,” I don’t know what to say. I’ve never shared a toothbrush with anyone in my life.

“Chlo,” he tells me in a soothing voice, “I had my cock in your mouth, baby.” He pushes a strand of hair behind my ear and smiles. “I think you can handle your toothbrush in my mouth, yes?”

“Yes,” I nod like I am mesmerized. What else can I say anyway?

“Good,” he gives me a good slap on one butt cheek. “Now hustle up, babe, we need to go!”

By the time I am done with my teeth, washed my armpits and put some deodorant on, then moisturized my face, he is already dressed in the clothes he had on last night. Well, minus the button-down shirt he dazzled me with before. He just has his jeans on and the white t-shirt he had on underneath.

“Ready?” He eyes me up and down, and seriously, it’s a no. I only have a towel wrapped around my body.

I hurry up and pull clean underwear out with my favorite pair of casual yoga pants over and a sleeveless top. I throw my hair in a low ponytail, and I am good to go.

“All done!” I grab my cell phone and run to the door. “Wow,” I check the time as we wait for the elevator. “We still have ten minutes left. We are awesome!” I put my hand up to high five him, but Van has different ideas and just pulls me into a quick but scorching kiss.

When we get to the conference room where our meeting with the Kalypsos reps is, I press a hand to my stomach.

“Van,” I call out to him. “I feel funny.”

“Funny how?” he runs his hand up and down my back.

“Like I am going to be sick funny. I’ve never been in a situation like this,” I explain. “What am I going to do?”

“They’ll just take some pictures, baby,” his voice sounds soothing, and I calm down a bit. “Follow my lead, okay?”

I don’t have time to answer him because the door to the room opens abruptly, cutting us off.

“Hi, sorry if I startled you,” a pretty blonde smiles at us brightly. She is not very tall, but looks long and lean, and I am just fascinated by the whole package. “I am Lexi Cavalli,” she puts a hand out in greeting as she introduces herself. “I am the owner of Kalypsos. Thank you both so much for giving us a chance.”

I am so tongue-tied at this point, I cannot form a sentence to save my life. I have never been so grateful to have Van by my side as I am in this moment.

“You made us an offer we couldn’t possibly refuse,” I mumble, but she shrugs like it’s nothing, then holds the door open for all three of us to walk in.

The room buzzes with excitement. There are people everywhere, some setting up some sort of equipment, others looking at clothes, and a couple lining up containers with the Kalypsos logo on them.

“I am so sorry that we have to do this entire first shoot in the next two days,” Lexi stops by a table where it looks like she’s made herself a little office space. “My husband is back home with our daughter, and, well, I can’t wait to get back to them,” she gives us a sheepish grin.

“I understand we’re practically neighbors,” Van takes over the conversation, and my mouth drops in surprise at the new finding about Lexi Cavalli.