Page 67 of Six Wishes

“This feels so. Fucking. Good,” I struggle to say. I am about to lose my mind.

I thank God that I have enough brain cells left in my head to press harder on her clit just as I feel my spine starting to tingle. My balls tighten in my sack, and I am done for. I couldn’t hold it back if someone held a gun to my head right now.

“Come for me, baby,” I gasp into her ear. “I need you to come…”

I feel her pussy walls squeezing me with all their might, and we both let out animalistic screams just as we come.

Chloe’s body goes slack, and I let her fall forward over the back of the couch. My legs feel like jelly, and there’s no way I can hold us both up right now. My cock is still pumping in and out of her even though I have spilled everything I had in me inside of her.

I finally stop moving and force myself not to crush her when I fall over her because I sure am not ready to pull out of her.

After a few minutes, it starts getting uncomfortable. We’re both hunched over the couch, breathing heavily and unable to move.

“Van,” Chloe finally turns her head sideways to look at me, and I kiss her on the tip of her nose. “I need to move.”

“Give me a minute,” I drop my head to her shoulder, closing my eyes as I rest my forehead on her. Once I feel like I can walk without keeling over, I pull my hips back, leaving a wet trail behind. I feel her hiss of surprise before I hear it.

I straighten up and then pull her into a standing position as well. The distress I see in her eyes worries me a little, but not because of what she may think.

She slaps a hand over her mouth. “We didn’t use a condom!”

“I know,” I grin and pull her into me.

“Van, are you ever serious? About anything?” she sounds angry and my head snaps to attention.

“I have never been more serious in my life, Chloe.” I am no longer smiling, and her eyes get big. She seems to be more confused now than anything.

“What are you saying?”

“I am saying that the break was bullshit. And I am sorry for it. I love you so much,” I take a deep breath and hook my fingers behind my head, rocking back on my heels. “Did you sleep with Brian?”

“What? How dare…” Her face looks furious, and it’s making her look even more beautiful, especially since she is still naked. Although, she is looking around for her clothes.

I dart a hand out, “I’m sorry, I had to ask. My mom made me watch the show about Ross and Rachel, the episodes where they were on a break.” I rush out to say when she looks at me like I am crazy. “It was bad!” I insist. “Have you ever watched it?”

Chloe shakes her head at me, unsure if she should take me seriously or not. “Are you talking about Friends?” she finally asks for clarification. “The TV show?”

“Yeah,” I am eager to assure her. “She said we should take a break, he went and slept with the Xerox girl, even though he didn’t really mean it, then Rachel found out, and…”

“Oh my God, you are serious,” Chloe’s face look incredulous. Then, like in slow motion, she throws her head back and starts laughing. She is laughing so hard, she can’t stand on her own two feet anymore.

“Chlo, this is not funny,” I insist, although, I do feel a smile forming.

“This is the funniest thing ever, Van,” she puts her hand out like to reach for something she can lean against so she wouldn’t fall to the floor.

“Okay, maybe a little. But it scared me, you know?”

“Did you watch the episode where she writes him a letter?” Chloe gasps through fits of laughter. “Eighteen pages! Front and back!”

She continues laughing, and now I am laughing too but only because she can’t seem to stop. I don’t even know what letter she is talking about.

“I didn’t watch the whole thing,” I admit. “Mom only played the episodes about the break to me. She said that she wanted to teach me a lesson. And I swear I learned from it,” I put my hand up. “Scout’s honor!”

Chloe finally calms down enough to lean down and grab the t-shirt I was wearing when we walked into this room, then slides it over her head. She shakes her hair out of the neck of the shirt, and I’m not sure if I should zip my jeans up or not. I feel myself getting hard again, and I don’t think I am processing things clearly when I can see her nipples poking through the thin material.

“Van,” she walks slowly toward me, looking like a wet dream, a mirage. She puts her hands on each side of my waist, and I jump a little when they tickle. “We didn’t use a condom,” she repeats her statement from earlier, without screaming it this time. “And no, I did not sleep with Brian. We did not even kiss. He knows and respects that I am in love with you.”

“He better,” I mutter to myself, but not low enough that she can’t hear me.

“Van,” she laughs and shakes me. “Do you understand that we could get pregnant from having unprotected sex?”

I love that she said we. We could get pregnant. Not she could get pregnant. I just fell in love with her a bit more than I was five minutes ago, and I didn’t think it was possible.

“I really hope so,” I tell her with what I’m sure is a goofy smile on my face. “I want a mini Van with you.”

Her eyes fill with water, and she swallows hard. “A mini Van or a minivan?”

“Both,” I bob my head up and down with force. “I want both. Only with you.”