Another idea comes to me, and I almost want to clap my hands together in glee.
“You know Chandler and Monica? From the TV show with Ross and Rachel,” I clarify when his eyebrows form an adorable little crater right in between.
“Yeah… The girl who wanted to get her legs waxed, right?” I have no idea what he’s talking about until I remember he only watched the break related episodes.
“Yes, Monica. She ends up marrying Chandler. He is the goofy guy. Not the actor though, that’s Joey.”
“Chandler and Monica get married??” His voice sounds incredulous. “Man, don’t give me spoilers, Chlo!”
“I didn’t know you wanted to watch the whole thing! We’ll do it together!” I sound way more excited about this than I should be.
“But now I know what’ll happen,” he pouts like a five-year-old.
“Not everything, Van,” I manage to pull one hand away from his, and I bring it up to touch his hair in a soothing move. “Anyway, I do have to spoil one more thing for you.” And I proceed to tell him about how Chandler and Monica decided to roll the dice on whether they should marry in Vegas or not.
“Well, did they?” Van watches me carefully.
“You’ll have to watch the show and find out,” I lift my head and kiss his nose just like he did with mine earlier.
He lifts himself off me and sits back on his heels. He pulls his bottom lip into his mouth and watches me thoughtfully.
“Okay, so how does it work? What do we need to get to get married?”
I shrug. “Whatever we want. We could pick two sixes, two fours, two twos…”
“I get it,” he starts laughing. “Let’s get dressed and go.”
I don’t even have time to process what’s happening when Van is already out in the living room where I see him looking around and picking things up. He folds everything just so and makes sure the pillows on the couch are sitting up straight. The move is so endearing to me, I cover my cheeks with my hands and smile.
Next, he goes to the bathroom. I hear the water running in the sink and he messes around in there with something. My eyes go wide when I see him coming out with a wet washcloth, and I am his obvious target.
“Open up,” he taps one knee and then the other, waiting for me to spread my legs for him. I should be used to him watching my pussy as intensely as he is now, but I still blush.
“You waxed,” he murmurs and falls to his knees on the bed. “I told you to wait for me…”
“I… What?” I shake my head in confusion.
“I told you I wanted to come watch how they do it, Chlo,” he reminds me in a chastising tone. “You didn’t wait for me.”
I get a little irritated at that. How was I supposed to know when he’d come back? I wanted to be fresh for this photoshoot because one of the scenes I’m in, I am supposed to wear a bathing suit.
“Next time, Van,” I am proud of how my voice comes out calm and even.
He nods in approval, then starts running the washcloth over my pussy, making sure to clean in between my folds, then down toward the crack of my butt.
“This is very thorough,” I blush again.
“Only way I can be with you, baby.” He drops a quick kiss to the top of my mound, then stands up.
“Now what?”
“Now,” he starts looking through his bag and pulls out a clean pair of underwear, “we’re going to get dressed. You want a clean pair?” he lifts his boxer briefs my way in question. “Or are you going commando?”
“I’ll wear yours,” I jump out of bed and skip toward where he is hunched over his bag.
“So hot,” he mumbles under his breath, but I hear him.
“Are we going somewhere?”
“Yeah,” he grins at me. “We’re gonna try to hit the jackpot. So that we can get married.”
The grin stretching my face matches his. I pull his underwear on in one smooth move, then skip to where he carefully laid my folded jeans and top. I don’t see my undies in the pile. I hope they’re not strewn around somewhere, or Van will lose his shit when he sees them later.
Once I feel myself looking decent, I turn around and my breath catches in my throat. Van traded his t-shirt from earlier for a blue button-down shirt which he left untucked. The sleeves are folded up to his elbows, and I can’t stand how hot it makes him look.
“You ready?” he grabs my hand and pulls me toward the door to exit the suit.
Jackpot or bust.