“Here’s the deal,” Wyatt is all business as he is getting ready to rip me a new one.
He and Alison came over to Chloe’s apartment to have dinner with us. I would’ve liked it better if it was at my house instead, however, Wyatt’s house was closer to the apartment than the lake. Since they left his nephew, Ethan, in the care of Alison’s parents who were kind enough to watch him for a few hours at Wyatt’s house, it made sense for them to come here.
We had dinner and made polite conversation, with the girls talking and laughing more than anything, although me and Wyatt did pretty damn good too. When it was time to clear the table, Chloe just about pushed us outside where she’s got a small patio that leads into an even smaller backyard.
I just finished confessing to Wyatt all my sins from the past while also asking for his help in the present. And I don’t blame him for not jumping all over it without further thought.
“You screwed me over in a bad way ten years ago, Van.” I bob my head in agreement, because what is there to say? I got no good excuse for the shitty way I acted. I was really young and pussy whipped by the wrong person. I don’t mind being pussy whipped by Chloe, just to clarify.
“It took me quite a while to recover from that. My reputation took a hit too, and I had to fight my way back.” Wyatt continues lecturing me. “I was really hoping never to lay my eyes on you in real life again.”
My eyebrows go up in surprise. Wyatt can really hold a grudge. But I get it, and I tell him so.
“The bottom line now, Wy,” I try to be as direct as possible, and I think he appreciates it, “is that I want to make some changes in how my contracts are being negotiated, and how my money is being managed.”
“I don’t have much experience in sports management, Van. I stayed away from that even though I understand that’s where the money is.” He leans back in his chair and places one ankle over his knee, bobbing his foot up and down to the point of distraction.
“I understand that. But I need someone who I can trust. All the money in the world is not worth shit if the person you hire to help you with it cannot be trusted.” I try to make my case, hoping that he’ll take pity on me. “There’s a new company who wants me to represent them. After all the pictures from the beach of me and Chloe surfaced, they decided that they love the way we look together. So they want to do a couple’s deal. They want her in it.”
“Wow,” Wyatt is definitely impressed with that. “That sounds like a big deal.”
“It is a big deal. But my agent is trying to screw her over in the deal, get her less money than she should be getting.”
“I don’t think Chloe worries about money,” Wyatt points out something that I have already noticed. “Her father pays for half the rent on this place, and he made sure her car got paid off and she has health insurance. He felt guilty over divorcing her mom, I think.”
“That is not the point,” I assure Wyatt. “I don’t care if she needs the money or not. I just want her to get her fair share of the deal.”
Wyatt eyes me curiously. “Does she even want to do it?”
Good question. “I don’t know. But I want to have everything in order when I tell her about it. And why shouldn’t she want to do it? She’s hot, she’ll be a hit. Those pictures of us online are badass.”
“Wow,” Wyatt chuckles, “humble much?”
“It is what it is,” I start laughing. “Plus, I am really excited to have found a girl who doesn’t make me feel like the Green Giant.”
We sit quietly for a few minutes, just listening to the birds chirping. I am grateful that Chloe’s apartment is the last unit in her building, and we do have some privacy with the patio being more to the side. I don’t have to worry about nosy neighbors eavesdropping. Although, I’m pretty sure that the old lady next door is half deaf, and I’d have to yell all this for her to hear it.
“If I agree to this,” Wyatt finally says after mulling things over in his head, “I want an ironclad contract signed by the both of us.”
“Definitely,” I nod, eager to agree with all his terms.
“If you even think of doing or saying anything that will make me look bad,” he points his finger at me, “I will take you down. That’s a promise.”
“Dude,” I stand up with arms open wide and take a step toward him. He is looking at me with apprehension, but does stand up too when he sees that I’m not backing down.
I pull him into a hug and slap his back couple of times. Wyatt is pretty damn tall for a guy, but he is nowhere near my size. It’s almost as if I am hugging Chloe, although he does have a couple of inches on her.
“Aww,” and speaking of, her voice startles us both from the sliding door that’s now open. “Did you two kiss and make up?” she teases.
“This is making me so happy,” Alison bounces down the two steps to the patio just as I release her man from my hold. He looks annoyed but I can tell he’s happy to have buried the hatchet. “Now we can get together all the time. This could’ve been awkward as hell, what with me being best friends with Chloe and all.”
“I thought I was your best friend. Have been for five years, Al,” he throws his arm over her shoulders and pulls her into his body. “What is this talk of Chloe being your best friend?” She blushes when he bends to place a kiss on top of her head.