Page 54 of Force At Third

By the time I look away from the ball soaring over their heads, Gwen’s rounding third and heading home.

Jumping up and down, she’s screaming, “Go, go, go!”

“Oh my God, really?” Fawna squeals as she runs home, making it in right before the ball lands in Cyrus’s glove.

Abe jogs in and gives her a squeeze. “Good sprint, little deer.”

Nikki pulls her away. “She gets that from her mom.”

Pope leans over and tells Roman, “She ran track in high school.”

“How the hell do you know that?” he asks.

“We know every sport any of them ever played. Zandor was best at baseball, but he was more interested in flipping skirts.” I smile.

“That’s rich,” Gwen says, and I turn and look at her as she cracks open a bottle of water.

“That some passive-aggressive dig at me, Gwendolyn?”

She looks at Pope. “Tell him to fuck off.”

He looks at me. “York says to fuck off.”

“Thanks. I didn’t catch that.”

“There’s a story here.” Dromida nudges her. “Spill.”

She shakes her head. “Nah.”

I ride the most pathetic heights the rest of the game because she acknowledged me.

The game ends in a tie, and then I hop down and help Amias and Rome gather equipment.

Amias whistles loudly, gaining everyone’s attention. “The game was tied. I could hand back Benjamins, or we could leave your bets in a pot for the next game.”

“You placed bets on the game?” Gwen huffs. “I want names of who bet against, um …” She looks at the girls. “What’s our team name?”

“Powder Puffs,” I suggest.

She looks at Pope, brow arched.

Shit-ass grin on his face, Pope looks at me. “York says to fuck off.”

* * *

“Beer?” I ask as Rome walks up the stairs to his back deck.

“One sounds good.” He takes the Crawford Bock.

“Best beer in the world.”

“So I’ve heard.” He sets it down and hands me the pup’s leash. “Hold Elle while I get her food.”

“We’ll be here.” I lean down and run my hand down her coat. “You have a good time at the game?”

She doesn’t answer, of course, but whatever.

“One day, I’m gonna have a couple of you. Gotta be willing to travel, though. Got lots of places to visit.”