Holding just the sides, he slides down the ladder. “My greatest creation was Aggie.” He turns and holds out his hands, and Aggie dives into his arms. He hugs her as he tries to kiss Chloe, but she steps back.
“We need you, Daniel Aiken. Don’t do stupid S-H-I-T, like come down a ladder like that.”
“Mommy cross with you?” Aggie asks him.
“That’s how Mommy flirts with Daddy,” Danny jokes.
“You’re an A-S-S,” Chloe replies, trying to hide her amusement.
“Let’s go see how the ribs are doing.” Danny kisses Aggie’s cheek then looks at Roman. “We owe you a meal for the help today. Come eat. Bring Elle.”
“Puppy!” Aggie exclaims, and I follow the three of them in.
Inside, Danny holds up his phone. “Check it out?”
I nod and do just that while trying to stay engaged.
* * *
Once we’ve cleaned up, Roman Hart has left and Aggie is sound asleep. Chloe, Danny, CeCe, and I sit on the couch.
Chloe smiles at CeCe. “You like him.”
CeCe shrugs. “He’s likable.”
“We like him,” Danny says. “York, too.”
I nod because they are freaking adorable together. He’s in deep, too, and doesn’t hide it. I once had a guy like that, but at eighteen, I was nowhere near ready to give up my dreams and become a wife who lived her husband’s instead.
CeCe and Roman have worked hard to achieve their dreams, succeeded, and have great careers. At the least, they should give it a shot. The worst thing that could happen is that the distance would break them apart. But it doesn’t have to be like that. Pope and Whit have a fantastic life.
Even when she missed working as a nurse, Pope supported her decision to pick up shifts at Mercy West Hospital. Now, with five kids, she doesn’t work outside of the home. After spending the day with them, I think she should pick up a shift here and there to give herself a freaking break.
CeCe sighs. “You all realize that arranged marriages haven’t been the norm since the 1700s, right? Never did catch on here in the US.”
“What your brother-in-law is saying is that Rome has a clean record—I looked him up. He’s got no record.” Mom and Annie did the digging. “I like him because he has a good ass and eyes. Chloe likes him because when you let down your guard, you’re all smiles and have goo-goo eyes.”
“I do not,” she defends.
I wave her off and continue, “Danny likes him because he’s a guy’s guy. Aggie likes him because he’s attentive, fun, and has an adorable puppy.”
Chloe adds, “Pope says he’s not ego-driven, celebrates everyone’s little victories, and isn’t annoying, like most rookies.”
“I also like his brother. Did you know he plays pro football for the Knights? And when I asked him who his favorite player was, he told me Roman Hart.” Danny smiles. “His brother’s his hero. Strong family bonds. And Hudson’s a damn hoot.”
“Hudson’s entertaining—I’ll give him that.” CeCe pulls the blanket off the back of the couch and covers herself with it.
Danny stands up, walks over, and kisses the top of her head. “He’s a good one. There’s not many of us left.” He then kisses Chloe’s cheek.
York huffs, “Not disagreeing, but you said the same thing about your asshole friend, Leland Locke, and look what he did last night.”
“Oh no, you don’t. I’m not stepping into that beehive. You sort that shit for yourself, York. And do it soon. I can’t wait to slap the bitch off Frankie’s face.”
Unable to not make it uncomfortable, I respond with, “That bitch on his face was sometimes me, Danny. He’s a good time.”
Was … He was a good time until he showed his ass and disrespected me, I remind myself.
“Oh my God.” CeCe covers her face, and Chloe laughs.