Page 7 of Alien Breed

He puts a hand on the zipper of my jacket, but he pauses almost immediately because my hand is now at the juncture of his thighs, and there is a very sharp blade poking him where almost no male wants to be poked.

“Spicy little thing,” he murmurs down at me. “You’d pull a knife on me after I saved you?”

“I don’t know if you did save me yet,” I reply. “You could say you sneaked me out from under the noses of everyone else, but that’s about it so far.”

“What do you need in order to feel saved, hmm?”

He’s not angry. Most males of any species would be. They’d expect gratitude and submission and obedience and other things I’ve never been good at. They’d want me to fall at their feet and beg them for safe passage to a system outside the reach of the others… hmm. That’s a good idea. Maybe I should fall at his feet and beg for safe passage? No. Probably too late for that now, really.

“I don’t know,” I say. “I suppose I’d need you to tell me I was free to leave. That might make me think you’d saved me rather than just done what everyone else already did — tried to buy me for their own ends.”

Raz chuckles. “You did put yourself up for sale. What else did you expect?”

“I expected to steal everybody’s money and run away, obviously.”

He laughs more loudly, genuinely amused. “But that did not work, did it? And now you find yourself at the mercy of a number of aliens, all of whom have dark designs on you.”

“Oh, is that right? Your designs on me are dark?”

We’re flirting. This is hot. I really do love a battle of verbal wills with an equal opponent, and Raz is more than my match in that regard.

“Absolutely,” he says. “What I intend to do to you would leave you begging for mercy and then begging for more all at the same time. You wouldn’t know your name by the time I was finished with you.”

Suddenly, his hand is over my wrist, squeezing just hard enough to make me drop the knife. He lifts my now empty hand up over my head and pins me back against the wall, closing the distance between us until there’s hardly any light to be discerned. His handsome alien face fills my vision as I feel his hard, agile body pinning mine to the hull.

"You're a bad girl,” he purrs down at me. “And I know how to teach you all the lessons you need to learn.”

Before I can reply, his mouth is on mine, cutting off any response I might care to make. I breathe him in, and I close my eyes, and I feel myself starting to feel that familiar sort of haze that comes with arousal.

I haven’t gotten away with this. Not at all. I’ve gotten away with some of it, but Raz is making it clear in his grasp and his kiss that he has no intention of letting me go. I am not free. I am held. I am contained. And I am being made naked.

Now that he has my knife hand above my head, there is nothing to stop him from drawing down the zipper he first wanted to. My jacket opens, revealing a tank top below. I didn’t dress up for this occasion, because I was not expecting it to be an occasion.

I am wearing a heavy outer jacket that contains the last of my worldly possessions, seeing as I left the rest of them back on the station we fled. My pants are tight and similarly practical. I wasn’t trying to get laid or be hot. It doesn’t seem to matter.

HIs hand goes from my jacket zipper to my pants zipper. In quick succession the outer layers are shucked from my body. I kick my boots off to allow my pants to leave my legs and save myself from being hobbled by them. That leaves me in a tank top and underwear and very little else.

“You are beautiful, and I am going to make you feel good,” he promises me, his golden eyes sparking with lust.

Who am I to say no to feeling good? Who am I to say no to him at all? He owns me, after all. He has paperwork to prove his right to any part of me. I find myself not wanting to deny him his legal rights. If anything, I am eager to see how a spy alien mates.

The tendril at the top of his head lengthens and starts to move in a fascinating sort of way. His hands are on me, massaging and caressing and encouraging me as that appendage sneaks down between my thighs. It is vibrating a little at the tip, and it is very warm, and it feels very, very good as it makes it way over my head and down my back, over my ass, and then up between my legs.

It is like a tentacle, probing and playing, sucking lightly at my sex. Raz holds me in place, his big blue hands pulling my cheeks apart to allow the tip of his tendril to find the most sensitive part of my body, the sweet and tender entrance of my pussy.

“Does that feel good?” He asks the question with a wicked smile and an arched brow.

I am finding it hard to form thoughts, let alone words. It doesn’t matter. He has complete control of this situation, and of me. The tip of his tendril has found my clit and is making it rumble with delicious sensations that make my hips grind forward and my mouth hang open in that hungry little way.

He teases me this way for a little while, watching my reactions with obvious enjoyment. I am getting wetter and wetter by the second. I am whimpering, and even about to start begging when finally he stops toying with my clit and instead sinks the length of his tendril cock inside me, stretching my wet, overstimulated pussy wide open around his alien flesh.

I have had sex before, but this isn’t like being fucked by some guy with a cock. This is like being plugged into a whole world of sensual stimulation I didn’t even know I had receptors for. I feel him rippling inside me, muscular contractions running along his tendril and making my pussy stretch for him. I feel little sparks coming from the little parts that were vibrating before. This is the best sex I have ever had, and there’s not a penis in sight. There is just this perfect alien appendage designed to give immense, immediate pleasure.

Orgasm comes over me like a fucking supernova. I am being fucked so deeply and so completely, my pussy pulsing and throbbing, gripping Raz’s tendril with such intense desperation I can barely stand up.

“Oh fuck, oh my god, oh my fucking…”

“God? I’ll take it…” Raz growls the words against my mouth, kissing me deeply as he starts to fuck me even harder, pulsing his tendril in and out of me, giving me fizzing orgasmic gratification over and over until I collapse against him with the only two words I can muster.