Page 48 of Alien Breed

“Your figure is perfect,” he replies. “I’ve left something in the back yard for you. Take as long as you like, my dear.”

Ileave my doting husband feeding the baby, and I go out to the back yard. The grass is cut neatly into a criss-cross pattern, and we have a lovely little bubble glass picnic table with a yellow-tasseled umbrella I like to put up on sunny days. The day is waning now, though. Dusk is starting to settle in a golden blanket across…

“Help me!”


My meal really is waiting for me in the form of a naked numahn staked out on the lawn by his hands and feet. I would have missed him entirely if he hadn’t called out to me. I just find this home so enchanting. There’s something about this little corner of the world that feels perfect - as if it were built just for me.

I feel a welling of affection for my husband. He knows me so well. Meat is always nice. Blood is essential, but there is nothing like live prey to really satisfy my hunger. It tastes different. It is richer. It is… I am licking my lips as I approach the cowering creature.

He looks up at me with hope in his eyes. They always do, because I am a pretty lady in a nice clean dress and everybody knows pretty ladies in nice clean dresses can do no wrong. He thinks I am here to save him.

“Aw,” I say. “It’s not really fair for you to be tied up like this, is it?”

“Please let me go,” he whimpers.

He is relatively young, perhaps somewhere to the north of his twenties. He smells like fear. It is a spicy sort of tang that only serves to make me want him more.

“I think I should untie you,” I tell him.

“Thank you. Thank you so much. You’re so nice. I don’t know what’s been going on. I don’t know why that creature tied me up like this…”

“Creature?” I ask the question as I crouch down next to him.

“The one with the red eyes, the vampire…”

I let out a little laugh. “Poor boy, you sound so confused.” I am almost done untying him. Just one more…

“There we go,” I say.

He gets up and he starts running without so much as a thank you very much. I smile to myself, slipping off my kitten heels. They’re not terribly practical for the type of terrain I’ll be giving chase over. I don’t mind that he’s running. He’s actually playing along perfectly. I like to give my prey a head start. It’s only fair, after all. I am faster than most of the meals my husband provides me.

“Three… two…” I start to count down.

Sure enough, the meal reaches the fence, trips, and scrambles through the dahlias. It’s very cute.

It’s also very much…

The End.

For him.

Ifeast on my meal’s flesh until it stops twitching inside my throat as it slides down. I am beautifully, delightfully full. I delicately lick the blood from my fingertips. It is a nod to some genteel impulse though it makes no real difference. My hands are covered in blood, and it trickles all the way down to my elbows in little rivulets.

There are bits of him strewn across the lawn because I started consuming him before he was completely gone. He crawled away from me and I let him, picking pieces off him little by little. It was cruel, but it satisfied some nameless pain inside me. I want to hurt this kind of thing - and I did. I hurt it hard and I long. I hurt it until it couldn’t feel hurt anymore.

Some of my appetite has been sated, but not the part that wants numahns to suffer. I don’t think I will ever have my fill of that.

“Such a messy, hungry little thing,” a strong voice growls.

I look up from the remnants of my meal to discover that another husband has come for me. Not the husband feeding Rhys. A different husband. A husband with long hair, and strong but noble features. I smile broadly as he wraps me in his arms and begins to wipe me down with a warm, wet cloth. He has come prepared.

“You have fed,” he says. “And now it is time you were bred.”

His words are warm and rich with carnal undertones. I melt into him happily, feeling his big, strong body protecting mine and lusting for mine at the very same time. Funny that a monster like me should enjoy being protected. I don’t really need it. I could save myself time and time again. I am a predator, driven by hunger and the kind of rage that burns inside me like a furnace.

No matter how pretty my dress, how neat my hair, or how flawless my makeup, I will always be searching for fresh flesh.