Page 36 of Alien Breed

“Careful with her…” Emrys murmurs, though not in a tone that suggests he is worried that Atlas will not be careful with me. He says it in a tone that makes me feel as though he’s almost looking forward to it.

I am drenched with arousal as the scythkin takes me.

“I said, careful!” Emrys roars as I cry out in pain. Maybe he is proud of me as his dark little creation. Maybe he wants to protect me from my other, more terrible mate.

“She doesn’t need me to be careful,” Atlas grunts. “She needs me to be dominant.”

Caught in a sexual whirlwind between two apex predators, I squirm and writhe, Atlas’s cock becoming the fulcrum around which I spin. He remains stern with me, rough with me. He continues to push my changed flesh to take him, holding me in mid-air and fucking me with the urgency of a male who must claim his female mate at all and any costs.

Being taken by Atlas feels very different than being taken by Emrys. When Emrys is inside me, I feel as though I am being erased in some way, subsumed into his existence, not needing my own. When Atlas fucks me, I feel more human than I have ever felt before. I feel a carnal kind of power that is not diminished in the slightest by the fact that he is giving my pussy a firm and even punishing fucking directly after saving my life, while I am still covered in the blood spray of my greatest enemy.

Scythkins know how to handle humans instinctively, I think. There is some deep connection to our species, almost as if we’re the same thing while being entirely different. I feel his cock getting thicker and thicker inside me as his pleasure intensifies. My blood thirst and hunger has not abated, but it is being channeled into the primal activity of being fucked long and hard like an animal.

Atlas treated me like a dress-up doll last time we met. This time he is using me like a fuck doll. My naked, sanguine-smeared body responds to his thrusting and his carnal dominion with true pleasure of the kind that ripples through my flesh, starting at my clit and in my pussy and running out to my fingers and toes.

Emrys is watching me be fucked, still smoking his bloodweed. His concern is no longer present, as it is quite obvious I am capable of taking this pounding. Looking into his deep red eyes, I see a smirk appear on his handsome lips as he watches me be taken. There is so much approval in his gaze, so much desire, so much perfect satisfaction.

I know I am a spectacle. I have been nothing but a spectacle since he first fucked me, but this is a more intimate kind of show. This is a show for him.

Atlas lifts me up a little. Instead of letting me dangle from his cock, he pulls me up with my back against his torso and lifts me up and down the length of his all-too-alien cock, the hard plating of his rod slicked by my human wetness.

He grunts and he growls, he reaches around and he strums my exposed clit with the pads of his fingers until I cry out as I lose the battle against this forced orgasm.

“Fuck! Fuck… FUCK!”

When Atlas is done with me, when his seed is draining slowly from my aching, well-used pussy, I lie in an overly fed haze and I listen to my owners discuss me and my fate. Once again, the topic of sharing comes up. It seems to be an unavoidable conclusion to our tale.

“I will share her with you, scythkin, because she is too much for any one male. Two of our original number have fallen in her pursuit. You have proven your claim to her by acting in her defense. Plus, you might be one of very few creatures in the universe actually capable of handling her.”

“Remember, there is a third,” Atlas says.

“A third?”

“The barbarian. Kronos.”

“He probably lost interest.”

“I doubt it. He is a good guy, and good guys do not lose interest. They show up at the very moment the desperate heroine needs them the most, and they save her.”

“But you’ve already done that,” Emrys points out. “He’s narratively redundant. You’re the good guy. I’m the bad guy. The damsel has been saved from her distress.”

“I still intend to keep her safe in my simulation.”

“Her mind won’t fit your simulation anymore, scythkin. She’s not a normal human being. She’s what her kind would call a vampire, or a cannibal. Or both. She will prey on humans as numahns preyed on her. She will be a most efficient killer of men. If you cannot accept that, I am telling you now, you would be better off leaving her to me. I know what she is. I know how she needs to be treated.”

Atlas gives me a rather sad look. “You may be right. She is a monstrous little thing.”

“You’re a monstrous big thing,” I snipe back, rather offended. “Just because I’m not some little doll to keep inside your simulation, that’s it?”

“Aw, you’ve hurt her feelings,” Emrys smirks. “Don’t worry, my human beast. You will be well taken care of.”

“There will be others for the simulation,” Atlas says. “You will remain outside it, safely in the realm of the valker king you have given your soul to.”

“He more took it than I gave it,” I pout. “Does this mean you’re giving up your claim to me?”

“Of course not. This means you will be my dangerous little mate.”

At first, I did not like the idea of horrifying a scythkin. The notion made my stomach turn. If I am to horrify the universe’s most dangerous and vicious creature, then I must be the most terrifying creature in all of creation. But now I am starting to consider that it might not be the worst thing to be feared.