“Alright, my turn to get another pitcher,” Marco said when he lifted up the already empty one, foam the only thing left.
“Dude, it was your turn last time,” Lenny said.
“And the time before that,” Colton added.
“Yeah, and?”
I hopped off the stool. “Bro, leave Gwen alone. I’ll go grab the beer.” I looked to Jay, nodded toward the bar. “Wanna come with?”
“Sure,” Jay said. He followed me through the crowd, sticking close behind me. About a hundred different smells hit me as we waded through. Sweat, perfume, cologne, a lot of beer. The floor was sticky, and the air was full of salt from the ocean, and fuck did life feel really damn good right now.
“You ok back there?” I asked over my shoulder.
“I’ve stepped in about a dozen suspicious and sticky puddle, but so far so good.”
“Just don’t stand in one place for too long so you don’t get stuck.”
“Ha. Ha,” he said.
The night was going way better than I could have even imagined it. Everyone was getting along. Maybe since the group was so big, Jay didn’t feel as worried about being seen around me. We kept stealing glances at each other, and every time our eyes locked, a little flame would spark at the base of my spine.
“Tonight’s been really fun,” Jay said over the music. He was behind me, but he had leaned in so he could be heard, putting his chin on my shoulder and his breath against my ear. The bar was so full that he pressed against my back, and I doubted anyone could even tell or would think twice about how close he was to me.
Not me. It was all I could think about. How warm his body felt, how nice it felt, how I wanted to turn around and kiss him, fuck whoever saw.
“It has been.” The tiny fires he had been lighting inside me suddenly coalesced into one huge bonfire, tearing through me.
That’s when I felt it. A twitch against my ass. Jay was getting hard.
Fuuuuck. I looked to my left and noticed there was—for once in Shenanigan’s history—no line for the bathrooms.
I looked over my shoulder. “I gotta pee. You?”
Jay nodded. I pushed through the crowd and into the bathroom. There were a few of them, this one having three stalls and a couple of urinals. All the stalls were empty.
I went into one and left it all to Jay. If he wanted it, he knew where to get it.
For a second, I thought he really was here to pee. But then he stepped into the stall with me and closed the door. It reached down to the floor, so no one could see our feet.
Instantly, we were on each other. Weeks and weeks of built-up tension exploded, snapped like a taut wire under way too much pressure. I grabbed his face in my hands and inhaled him, my kiss fueled by the flames that fanned inside my core. Jay gave it right back, pushing into me, his arms wrapping around my waist as his tongue danced with mine.
This was heaven. Fucking heaven.
And yet, I knew a way it could be even better.
I let go of his face and reached down between his legs instead. He was rock hard. So was I. Neither of us was shy about it anymore. All of that tiptoeing shit we were doing after the bathroom incident was over. I grabbed a fistful of his hard cock and squeezed, swallowing the moan he gave me in response. I could feel the rest of his body go lax. He tilted his head back, looked me in the eyes.
“This is bad.”
“And?” I asked before pressing a kiss against his throat on the exact spot I’d been checking out earlier.
I tasted the unique mix of him. Salty like the ocean, sweet like a handful of ripe strawberries. I continued to kiss and suck his neck while I worked to unzip his jeans.
I lowered down to my knees, bringing his jeans down with me. He wore a tight pair of bright red Calvin Kleins. The fabric strained to hold him down. I leaned in, holding his thighs as I pushed my face against him. He throbbed against my cheek as I licked the inner part of his leg.
“God, Ry, you’re so hot. It’s almost unreal.”
I kissed his hard cock through the thin red fabric. “Says the sexiest man alive,” I said, looking up at him as I lowered his briefs slowly, watching his cock spring free.