Page 79 of Savage Obsession

He doesn’t take issue with her belligerence, and his gaze never wavers. “Your mother is sensible. You should listen to her, princesa.”

Lily is shaking her head, tears streaming down her cheeks, but the decision is already made regardless of anything either of us might say.

The man, Adan, gestures to the door. “You will come with me.”

“No,” she whispers. “I want to stay.”

“I am pleased that you have found our hospitality so acceptable, señorita , but I must insist.” He raps on the door, and it is quickly unlocked. It swings ajar. “You will come now.”

Lily still hesitates, but I grab her arm and propel her forward. “I’ll be all right. You need to go home.” I turn to him. “You will take care of her?”

He inclines his head. “She will be returned home safely. You have my word.”

For whatever that might be worth… But I have no choice. I have to trust him.

At a sharp command in Spanish, two more men enter. They grasp Lily by each arm and march her out.

“Ten cuidado,” Adan snaps.

I recognise the phrase. Be careful.

The men gentle their grip and escort rather than drag Lily from the bedroom.

Adan bows his head to me, then follows them.



My phone buzzes in my pocket. I check the number.

“It’s the hacienda,” I tell Kris, seated opposite me. We’ve been reviewing the drone footage from the beach, deciding on the best locations to conceal our forces. “It might be a ransom demand. I should get this.”

He nods.

I hit the green button. “Señora Hernandez?”

“She is here, señor.”

“Who? Who’s there?”

“Miss Lily. She is here.”

“What?” I leap to my feet. “Is she okay?”

“Yes, señor. She seems to be.”

“Lily’s turned up at home,” I mouth to Kris, then, returning to Sophia, “How did she…?”

“She was dropped off at the gate, I gather. She wishes to speak with you at once.”

“Put her on.”


The familiar voice I had feared I might never hear again almost brings me to my knees with relief.

“Sweetheart? Are you all right? Did they hurt you?” If one hair of her head has been harmed, I swear I’ll burn the fuckers alive.