Her gaze follows mine. We both regard the offending receptacle with distaste.
Lily is the first to rally. “Well, at least we have a bucket…”
Hours pass. I assume night has fallen, but it’s difficult to be certain as no natural light reaches us. Rosa has been as good as her word, providing us with more crusty bread, this time with two cups of salmorejo, the Spanish tomato and pepper soup, served cold. There’s even cake to finish off with, I suspect homemade.
“Are you the cook?” I ask Rosa when she comes to remove the dirty plates.
“I am everything,” she replies. “I cook, clean, look after the men.”
I’m not sure what she means by ‘look after’ and I prefer not to ask. Whatever, she doesn’t appear particularly afraid of the men and clearly comes and goes as she pleases.
“Is there anything you need, to make you more comfortable?” she offers.
“We want to go home,” Lily answers. “Why won’t they let us go?”
“I’m sorry.” Rosa sinks onto the bed beside her. “I have blankets. A warm drink, perhaps?”
The girl is trying, and I daresay none of this is her doing. Even so, she’s complicit in whatever’s going on, whatever is planned for us.
“I will fetch blankets.” She gets up and raps on the door.
This time, it’s opened by the hard-eyed leader who steps inside and regards us with a considering expression. “Who are you?” he asks, eventually.
I sit bolt upright. “What do you mean?”
“You are not the wife of Kristian Kaminski, and my intelligence sources inform me that he has no daughter. So, I will ask once more. Who. Are. You?”
Rosa, startled, shoots a worried glance from her ‘master’ to us and back again. “Adan?”
“Leave us, please.” He steps aside to let her pass, then slams the door behind her.
I hear the locking from the other side.
“Must I repeat myself?” He raises one eyebrow, leans back against the door, arms folded.
I get to my feet. I see no point in lying. He obviously knows something, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he became violent if he thinks we’re trying to hoodwink him. “My name is Julia. My husband is Bazyli Bartosz. He… he works for Mr Kaminski. You have made a mistake, so there’s no point in holding us. Is there?”
His eyes narrow. “I am not so sure. I know of Mr Bartosz. He is powerful, influential in Kaminski’s organisation. Perhaps you will be of value after all.”
“Yes. My husband will pay you for our release.” I make the offer eagerly. “Let me talk to him, on the phone.”
His smile is cold. “I think not, Señora Bartosz.” He turns to Lily. “And this is?”
“Leave her alone,” I snap. “She’s only a child.”
“I realise that.” He cups her chin in his palm and turns her face towards his.
He seems to be gentle with her, but I leap forward anyway. “Don’t touch her!”
He ignores me. “Would you like to go home, señorita? You will take a message to Daddy, yes?”
Lily swallows hard. “I won’t go without my mum.”
His smile appears to thaw somewhat. “You have courage. I admire that, but sadly, your mother must remain here.”
Lily bats his hand away. “No, I?—”
“Yes,” I blurt. “She can take a message, or whatever you want. Just let her go.”