Page 66 of Savage Justice

I dig my elbow in his ribs. “It’s all very technical. Shut up and watch.”

We settle in and observe as the master works. For myself, I’m fascinated to watch the work unfolding, but I do have some inkling of what he’s doing. I understand the techniques, even if they are not the ones I would utilise, and I admire his expertise. Marlowe McGuinness truly is a master of his craft.

Despite knowing next to nothing about artistic methodology and execution, Nico watches with keen interest as Marlowe’s hand darts back and forth across the canvas, leaving faint pencil strokes in its wake. As if by magic, the outline of the ship at the heart of the scene emerges, tilted at the final, fatal angle before the inevitable plunge below the teeming, churning waves which have yet to be crafted. But somehow, they are there, not yet visible, but present in the shades and smudges appearing before us.

“He’s fucking good, isn’t he?” Nico breathes. “You’ve known him a long time, right?”

“The best,” I concur. “Yes, a few years.”

“Do you see much of him? Socially, perhaps?”

I shake my head. “Hardly ever. He’s abroad most of the time. He does occasionally rock up at an exhibition or showing, but not often.” Yawning. I check my watch. “It’s almost seven. I need to go and spend some time with Lucy. Put her to bed.”

“I can do that if you want to stay.”

“No, it’s my job. I’m surprised she hasn’t come marching up here already to see what I’m doing.”

“Too busy trailing around after Tomasz and Jacob, I expect.”

Lucy has developed a monster crush on the two cousins, Ethan’s and Aaron’s sons.

“I hope they’re not mean to her. She can be a bit full-on…”

Nico shakes his head. “Ethan won’t stand for that. Or Cristina. They’ll make her welcome.”

“I’d better go and see.” I get to my feet stiffly.

We’ve been sitting here for over four hours, and my knees have seized up.

“I’ll follow you soon. I just need a word with Michelangelo, there.”

“What do you mean? Don’t go disturbing him.” Or worse…

“Chill. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

I have my misgivings, but his bland smile is disarming. Reluctantly, I leave him alone with Marlowe.



What does she think I’m going to do? Set up a sniper’s rig in the corner and take him out with a single bullet to the heart? I doubt it will come to that.

Marlowe barely even acknowledges that she’s left. Just the merest tip of his head in her direction as Molly creeps out of the door is the only indication he’s noticed at all. He continues to peer into the almost empty canvas, shifting his focus from that to the poster, then to his laptop screen and back again.

“You’ve something to say, gangster boy?” Marlowe never lifts his nose from his work, but his attention has definitely shifted to me now.

His focus might be finely honed, but mine’s even more so. It goes with the job.

“Yes,” I answer simply.

He straightens and swings around to face me. “Go on, then.”

I come straight to the point. “Why are you really doing this?”

“Twenty thousand US dollars,” he replies with a smirk.

I raise an eyebrow. I’ve been checking, or rather, I’ve had Frankie checking. I know he could earn ten times that amount working for one of the prestigious galleries. When it comes to creating world-class copies, Marlowe McGuinness can name his own price.