“Maybe. Probably. The other guy who might be able to do it is Giuseppe Rafael, but the last I heard he was in jail in Italy. Got caught with three dozen Mona Lisas in his attic.”
“Is that illegal?”
“It is when they’re all signed by Leonardo da Vinci himself.”
“Where can we find Marlow McGuinness?” Ethan demands.
“He flits about. Despite being a well-known forger, his work is absolutely legit. He works for galleries and studios producing high-quality copies for display, but not passing them off as anything else. Copyright issues aside, it’s not a crime to replicate something, only to try and pass it off as the original. That’s fraud. I have an email address for him. Last time I saw him was in New York, but that was a few months ago…”
“You actually know this guy?”
“Yes. He… his brother and I were at university together. I met him a couple of times.”
“Can you find out where he is now?”
“I suppose so. Do you want me to—?”
“No. I’ll make contact. Just find out where he is, and I’ll take it from there.”
“You still haven’t told us why,” she murmurs. “Like I said, he’s legit. I don’t want to get him involved in something dodgy. Or dangerous.”
Ethan hesitates, then, “Okay, here’s what I’m thinking…”
“What a fabulous place!” Marlowe McGuinness hops down from the helicopter and turns in a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree circle. He lets out a low whistle as he takes in the glorious Outer Hebridean landscape.
The majestic, restored castle looms behind us, and all around the rugged landscape glimmers in wondrous greys, oranges, and purples. It’s an artist’s wet dream, and I already have several canvases on the go.
Ethan invited and Nico insisted that I relocate here, to the impenetrable fortress on the Savages’ own private island, bringing Lucy and Noah with me. This is the heart of the Savage empire, and at last I feel safe. Truly, properly safe.
No thugs are going to break in in the night.
No men in vans will be trying to snatch my baby off the street.
I’d forgotten what safe felt like. Now, I remember.
“It’s just until we’ve finally dealt with Glodowski. And Kaminski,” Nico promises me.
I’d be happy to stay here forever. Caraksay is my idea of heaven.
There are even other children here for Lucy to play with. Ethan Savage has a son of eleven, and another toddler of just two. His brother, Aaron, also has a son living on the island, and young Robbie is a regular visitor. The helicopter pilot doubles as nanny, of all things, so I have help with Noah when I want to paint.
And now, one of my oldest friends is here, too. I dart forward to hug him.
“Thank you for coming, Marl. I wasn’t sure if you would…”
“Mr Savage is persuasive. And he has deep pockets. He’s paying me a fortune for this, and you know what a mercenary I am.”
That’s not true. He’s picky over what commissions he takes on. He can afford to be.
“Not to mention the pleasure of closing down Glodowski’s operation once I heard what he’s been up to. What a dipshit. I’d have done it for half the price, but don’t tell him that.” He nods towards Ethan who has emerged from the castle, Nico at his side, and is marching towards us. “Mr Savage. Great place you have here.” Marlowe offers him his hand.
Ethan takes it. “Welcome to Caraksay, Mr McGuinness. Did you have a pleasant trip?”
“Once I got out of Brazil it was fine…”