Page 7 of Savage Justice

“I stopped being scared when the other men came. They were nice to me. They said they’d bring me home. And they did. Mummy saw.”

“Okay. And, who were they, these other men?”

“I don’t know.”

“How many other men were there?”

“Two. They were kind. Except, they weren’t kind to the man in the van.”

The detective constable’s brow creases. “What did they do to him?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t see. But… I think they hurt him. I didn’t care, he was nasty and he deserved it.”

Neither me nor the police officer argue with that.

“We need to go and look for this man. Can you tell me more about what he looked like? Did you see where he went?”

I cut in with the details about the smell and the filthy hands. “I wondered if he might be a mechanic,” I offer.

Detective Jackman makes a note in his notebook. “Can you remember anything about the van? You said it was white?”

Lucy nods.

“What was inside it?


“Anything else?”

She shakes her head. “It was empty.”

“Did you see the number plate?”

“No, but I think it’ll still be there. By the warehouse. The wheels were broken.”

“I’m sorry. When you say ‘broken’…?”

“The tyres were flat. I think that must be why he stopped.”

“Okay. And—”

“The North Warehouse. On Dockland Way. That’s where the van is. And the man.”

We all gape at Lucy, including Inspector Russell who has abandoned her fruitless search of Lucy’s room.

“Are you sure?” Detective Jackman asks gently. “Did you see a sign?”

“No. That’s what the man said, the one who brought me home. He said to tell the police to go to the North Warehouse on Dockland Street, and the man would be there.”

Inspector Russell is on her radio issuing instructions. I gather a police team is to be despatched immediately. Meanwhile, she wants us all to relocate to the police station where they can do the forensic tests.

“Is that absolutely necessary?” I protest. Lucy has been through enough already.

“I’m afraid so, Mrs Lowe. If you could bring a change of clothing for her…”

“But, the baby…” Noah has been relatively quiet up to now, but he’ll need feeding in the next hour or so.

“Is there anyone we could call to look after him for you?”